Danger of loneliness in Winter Sports!

Winter sports are among the activities that, while enjoyable, require attention. Drawing attention to the injuries that occur in skiing and snowboarding, experts underline that people who want to do winter sports should not go out alone and without appropriate equipment.

Women are more injured

Skiing is an extremely risky sport even for professional competitors. Interestingly, men suffer serious injuries more often than women. The most commonly injured body part is the knee, and the anterior cruciate ligament is most frequently injured. Knee ligament injuries, especially the anterior cruciate ligament, are 3-8 times more common in women than in men.

Shoulder girdle injuries are more common in snowboarders!


Upper extremity injuries (injuries to our arms, forearms and hands) are twice as common in snowboarders as in skiers.


15-18 When we look at young athletes between the ages and ages, it has been reported that at least half of them have suffered an injury within two years. However, it is known that forward bending, side bending and overloading pose a potential risk for overuse injuries. This type of physiological and psychological overload not only causes physical injuries, but also increases the risk of disease by causing immune system disorders in young athletes.


What are the injuries seen in winter sports?


Concussion: Concussion can occur in all kinds of sports activities, including winter sports. More than 1/3 of concussion cases occur in children. The presence of symptoms such as fainting, blurred vision, dizziness, confusion, swelling in the injury area and vomiting in an athlete who falls indicates the possibility of a concussion.


Shoulder girdle fracture and /or dislocations:While shoulder injuries are seen with a frequency of up to 15% in all winter sports, this rate is seen with a frequency of up to 40%, especially in snowboarders. Shoulder injuries are much less common in skiers is seen. Ski athletes have a very high risk of shoulder dislocation.


Spine injuries:Spine injuries, which can rarely be fatal, are more disturbing than other head injuries. Injuries to the ligaments and muscles around the spine may prevent you from doing sports for many weeks. Snowboarders are prone to back injuries. As a result, all winter sports carry a risk of spinal injuries.


Elbow dislocation and/or fracture dislocation: Elbow injuries can occur not only with obvious trauma but also with overuse. They can also be injured due to use or incorrect technique. A significant portion of elbow trauma occurs when the hands are open to protect against falls.


Skier's thumb: The only winter sport in which the hands and wrists are used regularly is skiing. Thumb injuries are more common in skiing than in skating or sledding. The most common hand injury is skier's thumb, in which the important ligaments that hold the thumb in place are injured.


Knee injuries: In other winter sports, especially skiing, the knees have a strong shock absorbing effect. We need more. The most common knee injuries in sports injuries are tears, especially in the lateral and cruciate ligaments of the knee. In addition, ligament injuries are accompanied by fractures in very severe falls.


Ankle sprains and injuries: Ankle sprains are extremely common. A fracture of the bone above the heel bone, called the talus, is known as 'snowboarder's foot'. While mild sprains can be corrected with ice, elastic bandages and rest, serious ankle injuries that cause fractures require plaster cast for at least six weeks after surgical or non-surgical treatment.


Winter sports. Do not be alone while doing it!


Take regular breaks:It is very important that children are kept under close observation for control purposes. Children often do not realize that they are tired. This leaves them vulnerable to muscle fatigue and injuries. drinking water and little horse Small breaks that include exercises will be helpful in preventing these types of injuries.


Check the weather: The weather can sometimes be unpredictable. Very clear and sunny weather can suddenly turn into a dangerous situation. Injuries can be prevented by checking the weather conditions beforehand, especially by avoiding stormy and foggy weather.


Don't be alone:Perhaps the most dangerous behavior in winter sports is being alone. . This situation brings with it all kinds of potentially life-threatening risks. It can be minimized by having another athlete. Staying close to the other athlete will facilitate mutual aid in the event of an accident. The other athlete should be observed for fatigue or confusion. An aid kit that will allow intervention in emergency situations can be very useful.


Do warm-up exercises:Generally, it is the most important and unfortunately the most neglected in sports. What is done is warm-up and stretching exercises. No professional athlete starts moving without doing these!


Use protective equipment:With the use of protective equipment, severe injuries can be minimized. The most important equipment is the helmet. Many studies have reported that serious head injuries that can lead to death can be prevented by using a helmet.


Choose appropriate clothing:The clothes we wear while doing winter sports are responsible for keeping us warm. does more. On the other hand, it protects against sunburn, windburn and frostbite. During this protection, it should also provide flexibility that allows free movement.


Be familiar with your environment:Unknown and unfamiliar environments may prepare surprises for you. Many winter sports injuries occur because a person fails to see a tree or rock on a ski slope or notice a thin patch of ice during a hockey game. Knowing your surroundings will help you know which areas to stay away from. Scan the area, choosing a familiar spot in the landscape. Below is simple information to minimize the risk of injury: These are:


- Stay away from crowded areas in case of collision risk,

- Do not wear headphones, do not listen to music,

- Rocks and stay away from trees,

- Constantly scan the area,

- Be sure to wear your helmet.


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