Egg Collection Process

The in vitro fertilization process briefly involves comparing the sperm obtained from the man with the egg obtained from the woman in a laboratory environment and transferring the fertilized eggs to the woman's uterus. Egg collection in women occurs as a result of controlled ovarian stimulation procedures that start approximately 2-3 weeks before. When the leading eggs reach a sufficient size and the inner layer of the uterus reaches a sufficient thickness, a cracking injection is applied and the 35-36th week following the application. Egg collection is performed at 10:00 (your doctor will call you at the appropriate time). Obtaining the largest number of mature eggs and collecting them without much traumatization is the success of OPU. This waiting period is the time required for intracellular changes to occur in the eggs and meiosis to occur.

It is very important to clean the vagina before this process to prevent infections. Although there are different studies on this subject, we perform vaginal cleaning by washing with plenty of sterile saline in our clinic. During the procedure, light anesthesia and conscious sedation are used. In this way, the patient is woken up after 5 minutes and discharged within 1-2 hours. It can also be applied under local anesthesia. As an assistant, the nurse sits to the left of the practitioner. Following this, the needle is passed through the guiding guide and passed through the vaginal mucosa and the eggs are collected. If eggs cannot be obtained, an attempt is made to obtain eggs by washing the egg contents with special washing solutions. There may be slight bleeding from the vagina after the procedure. Patients are kept under surveillance in their rooms for 1-2 hours.

The most common problem during OPU is bleeding. Vaginal bleeding varies from 1.4% to 18.4%. Bleeding is tried to be reduced by reducing the number of needle insertions. This type of bleeding stops with pressure and rarely requires stitches. Bleeding due to intra-abdominal large vessel damage is very rare (0.07-0.08%). Infection is a rare complication (0.6%).

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