Individuals are looking for new diets, especially in the summer and spring. Increasing weight in winter and the arrival of summer pushes people to want to lose weight quickly. I would like to tell you about the frequently used 'Dukan diet' in detail.
Dukan Diet History
This diet model was created by French Nutritionist Pierre Dukan. In 2000, his book 'Dr. Dukan Diet' was published, in which he explained this nutrition model in detail.
How to Do the Dukan Diet?
The Dukan Diet is a nutritional model containing high protein and low carbohydrates. The Dukan Diet consists of 4 phases:
Attack Phase: strong>The attack phase is the first weekly period, covering the period between the 1st and 7th days. In this phase, you can consume lean pure protein sources as much as you want in any time period. These pure protein sources are eggs, fish, lean meat, fat-free dairy products) You can consume an additional 1.5 tablespoons of oatmeal and tofu as protein sources. The aim of this phase is to lose weight quickly.
Cruise Phase:In this phase, pure protein sources begin to be consumed. continues and different vegetables are added gradually. However, the consumption of starch-containing vegetables such as potatoes, corn, peas, beans, lentils, avocados and fruit varieties is not allowed. Additionally, 2 tablespoons of oatmeal consumption per day is allowed. Pure protein days during the cruise phase. and vegetable days in addition to pure protein. This phase is applied for 3 days per 1 kg you want to lose.
Strengthening Phase:How long will this process last? It varies depending on the amount of weight you lose in the attack phase and the cruise phase. In this phase, both pure protein sources and vegetables can be consumed unlimitedly. At the same time, you can take 2 tablespoons of oatmeal daily. This phase is applied for 5 days for every 1 kg lost in the attack and cruise phase. For example, if 10 kg weight loss has occurred, this phase lasts 50 days. During the strengthening phase, you can reward 2 days a week.
Consolidation Phase:This phase is called the protection phase. It also passes. It is based on maintaining the weight the target person has lost in all phases. In this phase, everything is allowed 6 days a week. It can be consumed freely as much as it is given (vegetables, fruits, bread, protein). In the remaining 1 day, pure protein sources are consumed as in phase 1.
Positive and Negative Aspects of the Dukan Diet
The advantage of this diet model is that it makes the person feel satisfied in a short time and adapts them to losing weight.
But the literature on the Dukan Diet is comprehensive enough. There is no study. Studies have shown that this diet causes various problems in the kidneys, heart and tissues. In another study, the negative effects of high protein nutrition on bone health have been found.
Dukan diet is a high protein-based nutrition model. This can lead to serious kidney-related problems. Weight loss in a short time pushes individuals to this diet model. My advice is that your main goal is to learn how to eat healthy and do this. 'to make it sustainable'!
The diet is personalized and must be organized under the supervision of a nutritionist.
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