What is Atherosclerosis (Arteriosclerosis)?

Atherosclerosis, expressed as arteriosclerosis, can be explained as the stenosis caused by plaques formed in the inner layers of the arteries as a result of the combination of fat, cholesterol and inflammatory wastes. As a result of this stenosis, the blood flow rate slows down and malnutrition of the organs occurs.

What is Atherosclerosis (Arteriosclerosis)? The first thing to know is; This disease is systemic. That is, it is widespread and does not remain localized in just one area of ​​the body. For this reason, arteriosclerosis can affect all arteries. For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to the factors that cause atherosclerosis and form the basis of the disease.

Causes of Atherosclerosis (Atherosclerosis)

This disease, which begins in childhood and manifests itself gradually, constitutes a very complex and insidious process. . It begins to show itself with increasing age. This disease is more common in men. Its incidence in women generally coincides with the post-menopausal period. This is due to the decrease in the estrogen hormone.

In atherosclerosis disease, where the blood flow rate is limited by the narrowing of the arteries, there are a number of factors that cause the wall to lose its flexibility and harden. These factors;

What are the Symptoms of Atherosclerosis?

After answering the question "What is Atherosclerosis" and what are its causes, the other most important issue to be discussed is the symptoms of the disease. Atherosclerosis usually progresses silently. Symptoms appear after the atheroma plaques formed by cells and fat molecules accumulated in the artery wall crack. It can be said that this disease, which begins in childhood and occurs in the 30s, has significant damage.

First of all, it should be known that the disease The symptoms of the disease are not unique. If the disease, that is, arteriosclerosis, occurs in the heart, the heart muscle weakens and the muscle cannot perform its function adequately. As a result, the rate of oxygen going to the heart decreases. It also causes symptoms such as heart rhythm disturbances. Afterwards, it is inevitable for the patient to have a heart attack.

Atherosclerosis in the brain may cause loss of consciousness, loss of vision, and speech disorders. In cases of involvement in the leg veins, cramp-like symptoms occur. Pain, heat loss and gangrene may develop. In case of hardening of the kidney vessels, hypertension and deterioration of kidney functions are observed.

Atherosclerosis (Atherosclerosis) Diagnosis

In order to make a clear diagnosis of the disease, the symptoms and affected areas are examined with detailed examinations and analyses. . Blood tests, USG examinations and other imaging methods are explained in detail under the title What is Atherosclerosis (Arteriosclerosis)and it is stated that the definitive diagnosis of the patients is made in the light of these examinations.

Doppler USG imaging method is the king. Flow rates and degrees of obstruction in veins, kidney veins and leg veins are measured. In the ankle-brachial index test, the flow rates of the arteries in the feet and legs are examined and it is seen whether there is atherosclerosis. ECG (electrocardiogram) is generally used to detect developing or advanced heart attacks. If signs and symptoms develop during exercise; The doctor may also request jogging or cycling (exertion test). Thus, the diagnosis can be made more accurately.

Stress test is another test used in the diagnosis of atherosclerosis. Generally, you are asked to ride a bike or run on a treadmill while monitoring blood pressure, heart rhythm, and breathing. In addition, in some tests, a picture of the heart is taken. Cardiac catheterization and angiography test; It is a test that allows the clear status of the coronary vessels to be shown and is performed by the "Cardiologist" by inserting a thin wire called a catheter into the arm or leg.

Diagnosis of atherosclerosis disease Among other imaging tests used for temperature; There are CT (Computed Tomography), ultrasound (USG) and MRI (magnetic resonance).

How is Atherosclerosis Treatment?

The treatment of atherosclerosis varies depending on the region where the disease is involved and where the complaints occur. As stated in the topic What is Atherosclerosis (Arteriosclerosis), the treatment aims to prevent complaints in the affected area and to keep the fat rate in the blood within limits.

Before the treatment of the disease, the aim should be to reduce and eliminate the risk factors that cause atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis. These measures constitute the first step of treatment. Since atherosclerosis is a systemic disease, generally reducing the risk factors that cause atherosclerosis will at least stop the progression of the disease. Quitting smoking, losing weight, and exercising regularly, which we call modifiable risk factors, will positively affect the vascular system. These protection programs should be carried out together with medication and other treatment methods. It is also very important in minimizing the complaints and symptoms of the disease. Keeping blood pressure under control, eating healthier, and lowering bad cholesterol are the most important topics in this protection program. Another important issue is diabetes. Diabetes is one of the most important factors in the development of atherosclerosis. To prevent the disease from occurring, lifestyle changes, nutrition and drug treatment should be carried out together. In addition to treatment, patients who have a heart attack are given drugs that prevent clotting and drugs that reduce the level of fat in the blood.

If there is a mild sign of atherosclerosis, treatment with blood thinners is used. In more serious cases, the veins in the area where arteriosclerosis occurs are opened using balloon or by-pass methods.


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