Sports and Exercise is the best indicator of a healthy life. However, a balanced
diet is necessary in order to lose weight in a healthy way, increase the muscle mass and maximize the performance of the athlete.
you can stay between the dilemma about the nutritional habits applied. and it is important to provide a balanced diet. While maintaining this balance, the golden rules should not be abandoned.
1) For the continuity of health and performance, adequate consumption of energy and nutrients
should be ensured.
2)Branch specific, body Percentage of fat and lean mass should be maintained.
3)A nutrition program that provides optimal recovery and fluid balance after training
should be prepared. Smith JW, Holmes ME's
study on performance and nutrition, conducted in September 2015 in Journal Sports Medicine, supported that
performance was significantly improved when "healthy eating habits
regular exercise".< br />
The Importance of Carbohydrates in Sports Nutrition
The place of carbohydrate in the nutrition of athletes whose glycogen stores are depleted after a long-term exercise cannot be discussed. discharge
causes a feeling of extreme fatigue with the phrase "hit the wall". The way to prevent this is to provide CHO up to 60%-65% of the total energy. The more protein I consume, the more
muscle I will have" phenomenon. Contrary to what is known, it has been supported by recent studies that excessive protein intake causes an increase in body fat instead of weakening. This
is why it is balanced by taking complex carbohydrates. We must emphasize the importance of nutrition. In this
sense, when we say complex carbohydrates, the first thing that comes to mind for the athlete is pasta. The sugar in it mixes with the blood slowly
. The pancreas does not need to be overworked and tired, it releases insulin slowly. Blood
sugar also remains stable. For this reason, you do not feel hungry immediately and your energy does not decrease quickly. This type of
energy coming from carbohydrates is stored in the muscles and released into the blood when needed.
ensures that our blood sugar and energy remain constant.
- Adequate fluid intake, low fat and fiber consumption should be done (to facilitate gastric emptying
and reduce gastrointestinal problems), - High-Carbohydrate foods should be consumed
- Moderate Protein intake should be done
- They should continue with the foods they are used to,
- Since protein and fats are digested slowly, they should be consumed less, fat-free ones should be preferred, and complex carbohydrates such as pasta should be preferred.
Vitamins ; Athletes in all sports have increased requirements for B group vitamins, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, biotin and If thiamine intake is not increased, especially during the CHO loading period, the expected performance improvement will not be achieved with this nutrition program alone.
Before a sports competition or competition, as a meal example, noodle soup, boiled
chicken, compote, pasta, yogurt, whole wheat bread and banana can be preferred.
For proper nutrition, it is important to prefer high quality foods with high nutritional value.
For example, a good quality dry pasta should have a golden color when it is broken, it should produce a dry and
clear sound. When the pasta is viewed homogeneously in the face of light, it should be black and white
points, no air bubbles.
Being flexible and durable during cooking, it prevents the starch from getting out of the pasta
and prevents its stickiness.
Vitamins and Minerals Overview strong>
Electroids, calcium,
iron lost by sweat during exercise in people who do sports and exercise are the minerals that should be considered the most.
Hemolysis due to exercise and increased sweating increase the need for iron.
causes. Inadequate iron intake, muscle findings and performance impairment are observed. 1300 mg Calcium need must be met.
VITAMINS; They are organic elements that differ from other nutrients, have high biological activity and are essential for normal growth, survival and protection of the human organism.
Vitamins in the body in general; p>
pantothenic acid. Because these vitamins are involved in the production of energy
Let's Take a Closer Look, How Much of 100 gr Complex Carbohydrates Pasta
We Get Energy Vitamins and Minerals ?
Especially Thiamine- B1 Vitamin C is involved in the formation of energy from CHOs in the organism. Insufficient intake of calcium (0.5 mg /1000 kcal), It can cause malfunctions in the functioning of enzymes.
Niacin provides an increase in oxygen intake. Therefore, it should be provided with 6.6 mg/1000 kcal nutrients, which is the recommended
daily amount for athletes. However, it should be kept in mind that niacin intake in high doses
than needed causes rapid fatigue and accelerates the emptying of muscle glycogen stores.
Thanks to its fiber content, pasta does not suddenly raise or lower blood sugar. Since sugar is slowly mixed with the blood
, it keeps you full for a longer time. Thus, he does not feel hungry immediately and the energy
does not decrease quickly. The energy from carbohydrates is stored in the muscles and, when necessary, main
is released. When mixed with meat, chicken, cheese or other dairy products or legumes (such as beans, lentils
), its protein value increases further and becomes a
meal containing all essential amino acids. It has been found that consuming a combination of pasta and protein together
together before exercise has been found to increase strength and lean body mass.
Turkey is one of the leading countries in the world in terms of pasta production and consumption. In 2005
Turkey, Italy (3,1 million tons), America (1,2 million tons), Brazil (1 million tons) and
Russia (860 thousand tons) over 500 thousand tons per year. It ranks 5th in pasta
production in the world with some amount.
100g of Pro Pasta to be weighed without cooking contains approximately 350kCal. While the fat
ratio is only 3%, the carbohydrate ratio is around 70%. Proteins make up 10%
of pasta. In addition to these, iron, magnesium, kalium and vitamins B and E are added to make it an indispensable meal for the athlete. In addition, Pro Pasta is both
low in fat and has a very low glycemic index. It is very satisfying and contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body
. It is a good source of protein. It contains most of the amino acids that are not produced in our body, but that we must take with food. When mixed with meat, chicken, cheese or
other dairy products or beans, the protein value increases even more, making it a meal containing all
essential amino acids.
Pro Food containing pasta and protein together for sports or exercise Consuming it before meals has been found to increase strength
and lean body mass. Pasta and protein mix (3 grams to 1
grams) provides the replenishment of glycogen stores that are depleted in the muscles
, especially when consumed in the first 30 -45 minutes after a vigorous exercise.
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