When starting a diet, we often get stuck on the question of how many matchboxes of cheese we have eaten, whether we will eat boiled broccoli or rice for dinner, whether we should have 3 meals and 2 snacks, 3 meals and 1 snack, and whether we should eat below a certain calorie count. As a result, when we stop dieting, we regain the lost weight and go back to square one. In fact, the issue is far from all this confusion. The first thing we need to establish before anything else is "Eating with Awareness". Whether you eat salad, baklava, broccoli or french fries, eat with awareness under all circumstances and in all situations. Eating with awareness of what you are eating, paying full attention to the process of eating, without worrying about the amount you eat. So how do we do this? Let's take a look at the process of eating with awareness in 7 steps;
Eat only when you are really hungry
Our emotions often guide us when eating. When we are sad or stressed, we want to eat something to forget; when we are happy, we eat something to reward ourselves. So we decide to eat with emotional hunger. However, what we need to do is to listen to physiological hunger signals. So we must learn to eat because we are truly hungry, not for this or that reason. Remember, if you can postpone your hunger, it means there is a physiological hunger. If you want to eat something right away and can never postpone it, it means that you are experiencing emotional hunger.
Always eat while sitting down
The amount of food we eat while standing. makes it difficult to control. It may cause excessive calorie intake without paying attention. Therefore, even if you are going to eat a few hazelnuts and half an apple, be sure to eat while sitting down.
Open the service even if you are alone.
To raise awareness during the eating process, point 2. As a continuation, just as we have to sit down no matter what we eat, having a plate is a must. Finishing the apple you picked up in a few bites, popping a few hazelnuts in your mouth and swallowing them, or eating everything for breakfast will speed up the process and reduce the likelihood that the food will satisfy you. Even if you are alone or the quantities are very small, you should definitely get a plate so that you can see what and how much of what you are eating. �z.
Just focus on food.
Please do not snack while watching a movie, do not eat while watching TV, or please do not look at your phone at the table. This means that your attention is diverted from eating and you cannot feel the satiety signals. All your attention should be on the table. Of course, you can chat with the people at the table and prolong the eating process without forgetting the meal.
Extend your eating time.
After eating something, the fullness signal reaches the brain and tells you " It takes 20 minutes for him to say, "You've had enough, that's enough." In order to do this and spend these 20 minutes productively, you can try to put your fork and spoon away frequently. In this way, you prevent excessive food intake until the satiety signal tells you to stop. As a result, you won't realize that you've overeaten at the 21st minute.
Examine each bite.
Try to understand the taste of each bite. Examine whether it is sour or sweet, salty or bitter. Analyze the texture, color, flavor of each bite. Thus, you can feel the same satiety you feel after 2 packs of chocolate, by melting it on your palate, in 1 square of chocolate you eat over a long period of time.
You can leave the meal when you are full. If we said in the article that one should not sit at the table unless they are really hungry, we also say here that you should stop eating when you are full. If you are really full, you don't need to eat anything anymore. Arbitrary bites and small bites can accumulate and become dangerous. It may be challenging to achieve this by staying at the table in the beginning, but the best thing to do is to leave the table when you're done eating.
Incorporating these 7 items I mentioned into your life means being able to keep tasting baklava and feeling extremely full after eating a few spoons. I hope you will start the process of Eating Mindfully by using the 7 items that are definitely more important than how many calories you consume and will ensure that the weight you lose is permanent. Good luck..
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