Winter months are upon us. Caring for our hair, nails and skin is more difficult during the winter months. Wind and cold weather harden the hair and cause the skin to become dry and itchy.

Our skin is not just a barrier between us and the external environment, it is a living organ. If we do not protect it, dryness, itching will worsen and eczema and skin infections may occur.

In cold weather, take a shower with hot water, but remember that long-term water exposure removes moisture from the hair and skin.

Gloves and hat. We can protect our hands and hair from very cold weather.

Foods containing omega, such as fish, hazelnuts, olive oil and avocado, help increase the moisture of the skin.

Fruits and dark green leafy vegetables containing Vitamin C produce collagen. It ensures the regeneration of the skin and soft tissues by increasing its production.

Drinking plenty of water balances the moisture of the skin, but it is not enough alone to provide moisture during the winter months.



1-DRY SKIN: We can preserve the moisture that can be removed from our body with water by adding some moisturizers to bath water. We recommend this application especially for children and adults with atopic skin structure during the winter months. Naturally, pure olive oil or milk added to bath water can be useful in retaining moisture in the body. Moisturizers should be applied to damp skin after bathing. When buying a moisturizer, of course, we should pay attention to its content and stay away from moisturizers containing paraben.

2-DRY AND Cracked FEET: As skin dryness increases, feet and heels become even more dry. Heel cracks occur. Dead skin on the heels should be removed with a pumice stone in the bath once a week. Feet, especially heels, are moisturized with thick oily creams. A thin cotton sock worn while sleeping allows this moisture to remain on the feet better.

3- FACE DRY: The most sensitive part of the body is our face, and it may dry out more by being exposed to wind and cold in winter. For this reason, it is necessary to avoid harsh cleansers containing alcohol during the winter months. A moisture mask can be applied once a week. Moisture mask that can be made at home: It can be a mixture containing egg yolk, avocado and milk.

4-DRY AND ITCHY SCALE. SI:Dry and itchy scalp is a distressing condition. This situation is more common in the winter months. Prolonged contact with hot water dries the scalp, so you should not shower with very hot water. Before taking a bath, you can massage your scalp with olive oil, vitamin E or coconut oil. Tea tree oil can prevent dandruff with its anti-fungal properties.

5-DRY AND ROUGH HAIR: Everyone's hair type is different. Regardless of the hair type, we should not forget to use conditioner after shampooing, so that the hair can maintain its moisture. A moisture mask can also be applied to very dry hair.

6- CRACKED LIPS:Lips are one of the most striking parts of the face. Vaseline can be applied to very dry lips and gently wiped after half an hour.

7- ELECTRICIZED HAIR: The scalp, which dries out due to wind and cold, secretes less oil and therefore frizz occurs in the hair. To prevent this, we should not neglect hair conditioners.

8-NOSE REDNESS: In cold weather, blood flow in the nose decreases. When you enter a hot environment, blood flow begins to accelerate and the nose becomes red. Therefore, applying a thin moisturizer to the tip of the nose with gentle movements will reduce this phenomenon.

9-WIND BURN: Just as sunburn occurs in summer, the skin may burn in winter due to the effects of wind and sun. For this reason, it may be appropriate to protect yourself with sunscreen containing moisturizers. If the burn is severe and dermatitis has occurred, cortisone-containing creams may be needed.

10-DRY HANDS:Our hands become very dry in cold weather and cause discomfort. It is appropriate to use intense moisturizers to moisturize hands. We can prevent our hands from drying out further in winter by using gloves.

11-BRIGILE AND DRY NAILS: Nails can also dry out, and it is necessary to moisturize them. Additionally, foods rich in biotin ensure strong nails.

12-DRYING ELBOWS: Elbows and knees are areas that are more exposed to pressure. For this reason, they may dry out too much. We can reduce this dry skin with oily moisturizers applied after exfoliating once a week. If the skin in this area becomes thicker, you may have psoriasis. It would be beneficial to consult your dermatologist in terms of temperature.

13- COLD FINGERS: If gloves and socks are not enough to warm your fingers, remove your jewelry. Jewelry causes less blood flow to reach the end areas. There are also studies showing that ginkgo biloba increases blood flow.

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