Implant Surgery Under General Anesthesia

Implant treatment is a procedure that provides benefits to many people in terms of providing prosthetic teeth. This treatment method can be performed with local or general anesthesia.

When to Apply for General Anesthesia

Implant surgery under general anesthesiausually It is a preferred method of operation in special cases. Local anesthesia is often used in implant treatment. However, a significant number of people also have implant treatment under general anesthesia. These people can be listed as follows:

Implant Process with General Anesthesia

Since implant surgery will be performed under general anesthesia, a suitability check is made beforehand. If there is an obstacle to general anesthesia, this situation is terminated first and the treatment takes place at a later time. Assuming there is no problem, the patient is given respiratory or intravenous anesthesia for general anesthesia and the implant is performed in the operating environment. In the implant, a screw is placed in the bone in the jaw, and since this screw is made of titanium material, it easily integrates with the bone within a few months. After this stage, porcelain etc. is placed on the implant. Tooth insertion produced with the material will be made. However, the most important stage, the surgery, is completed painlessly. In other words, the patient will remember the last time he took medication.

What is the Feature of General Anesthesia

General anesthesia has many benefits. It is effective and the patient does not feel anything during the operation. It is also possible to perform all dental procedures at once. Implant surgery is performed under the equipment of the hospital where general anesthesia will be applied and under the supervision of an anesthesiologist.

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