Detox and Ozone

For some reasons, changes begin in the cells in our body. The main reasons are familial predisposition, environmental factors and personal stress. Until today, the most important source of stress for humans was simple causes such as hunger, thirst, cold, heat and bacterial diseases. Many things have changed along with our environment in the new century.

Nowadays, we have to fight with new toxins. With industrial development, thousands of chemical compounds began to be discharged into nature. The medicines we take, the food we eat, the water we drink and every breath we take carry new toxins into our body.

Toxins can pose a serious health risk, and little is known about them. Moreover, when two or more toxins come together, they have a stronger effect and affect our health.

Mercury fillings in our teeth, anaerobic bacteria in the root canals, abnormal bacterial flora in the intestines due to antibiotic use, accumulated in our bones when leaded gasoline was used. Lead, which is a substance that circulates in our blood and drugs that disrupt liver metabolism, is increasing day by day.

Due to the rapid increase in toxin sources, we must not quickly purify (detox) our body from toxins.

We need to detoxify our cells. Harmful toxins are invisible to the eye and are broken down at the cellular level when they enter the body. This event continues slowly and insidiously for years, and we are not aware of it until the real disease emerges. Diseases caused by toxicity occur when chemicals spread through the body through the blood, and as a result, cells and organs become floating in a dirty environment. Detoxification is a treatment regimen that cleanses the blood and removes toxins from the body. Our cells' detoxification enzyme system tries to protect our cells as we are exposed to toxins. These enzymes enable the conversion of toxins into non-toxic states. We are not even aware of this miracle occurring in our body.

  • Heavy metal exposure (lead, mercury, cadmium)
  • Pesticides and organic solvent residues accumulated in oils
  • Altered intestinal ecology
  • With these All of these are separate detox programs, and although they are thought to be related, each should be handled differently. However, our cells do not know this difference; they are constantly washed with the mixture of these 3 different types of toxins. According to our experience, it is beneficial to apply a multiple detox program.

  • Dietary treatment for inflammation in the intestinal membrane and altered intestinal flora

    • Phase 1 and phase 2 liver detoxification program to stimulate bile excretion
    • Ozone sauna application to remove pesticides accumulated in fat from the body
    • With this triple treatment, liver, spleen, lymph and digestive system (Reticuloendothelial system)functions are stimulated.

      Detox is not a new recovery method or a 2-day program to be applied on the weekend. In fact, it is a process that our cells are not familiar with, and detox is a method that helps the body repair itself. Just as antibiotics help kill bacteria in the body, detox is a system that removes toxins from the body that prevent cells from functioning normally. At the same time, the cells receive nutritional support that will maximize their activities. Thus, the body's self-healing mechanism can work.

      If a person's detoxification mechanism is weak, he tends to age faster and your chances of suffering from heart diseases, cancer and chronic degenerative diseases are higher.

      Detoxification nerve It protects the system, cardiovascular system and immune system.

      After learning detoxification, you will be able to stay healthy and young for many years. No matter what disease you have, detoxification can help you, because thanks to detox, the functions of important organs and organ groups, such as the brain, kidney, liver, cardiovascular system and immune system, work at full capacity and their performance is increased. In order to repair the damage done, the body's own internal ecology must be restored.


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