Children and Allergic Diseases

With the combination of genetic predisposition and environmental allergen, a sensitization occurs in the body starting from infancy. As a result of this sensitivity, the immune system secretes an antibody called IgE, which it should not normally secrete against this substance. This antibody spreads throughout the body through the bloodstream and attaches to immune system cells. If the allergen reaches the body again, it immediately recognizes it and gives a very severe reaction. During this reaction, thousands of substances secreted by the immune system create an abnormally severe allergic inflammation in the organ where the allergen affects and cause the symptoms of the disease to appear. If the allergic inflammation is in the nose, it is called hay fever, which is characterized by sneezing, runny nose, nasal itching, burning and watery eyes, if it is in the lungs and bronchi, it is called allergic bronchial asthma, which is characterized by wheezing, shortness of breath and thick phlegm, and if it is in the skin, it is itching, redness and It causes allergic eczema, which causes dryness, and food allergy, which causes abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting and many other symptoms outside the intestines, etc. Since allergy is caused by our immune system's abnormal and severe reaction to allergens in our environment, and since immune system cells are everywhere in our body with blood circulation, allergy symptoms can be seen not only in that organ but also in many different organs. The child's inefficiency and failure in classes due to allergic complaints may even be overlooked. In fact, the cause of all these symptoms is what we call allergic rhinitis in the medical definition and popularly known as hay fever, spring fever, allergic rhinitis, etc. It is an upper respiratory tract allergy. However, there are of course other factors that cause these complaints. However, most of the time it is allergy. However, it should not be forgotten that, in addition to the complaints that parents see and experience, allergic rhinitis is not limited to complaints and symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose and burning eyes. 70-80% of these children also have eye allergies. For this reason, these children also have allergic pink eye and can sometimes cause very serious problems. We, pediatric allergy specialists, call this disease allergic rhino-conjunctivitis, which means allergic nose and eye fever. However, this is more The important thing is that the risk of developing allergic asthma in these children with allergic rhinitis is 4-8 times higher than normal. In other words, children with allergic rhinitis are also candidates for allergic asthma and should be examined and monitored in this respect.

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