Neurofeedback attention-enhancing exercises provide an increase in attention and concentration in the person. The number of students suffering from attention management problems is increasing day by day. Attention deficit is not an ordinary absent-mindedness, but a disorder diagnosed by a medical doctor through medical examination.
Scientific data obtained through attention measurements guide experts in diagnosing attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. There has been a significant increase in the number of children diagnosed with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder in the last 20 years. The reason for this is not that this disorder was observed less frequently until 20 years ago, but because today's diagnostic conditions and applied testing systems have improved.
Was There No Attention Deficit in the Past?
December of the American Association of Pediatrics. In the ADHD Treatment Guide published in 2011, it is prioritized that diagnosis and treatment should start from the age of 4.
Because it is possible to diagnose this disorder in childhood from the age of 4, there are many new and different alternatives to be followed in terms of treatment. is developing. The child's attention level and depth of attention are very important in the learning process. The attention process must work perfectly in order to receive the correct messages from the environment, interpret these messages correctly and use these messages in the learning process. If the family does not realize that their child has an attention deficit problem or does not receive the necessary treatment from the right specialists, the child may experience academic problems in the school education system starting from kindergarten.
Symptoms Related to Attention Deficit
Children may experience general problems. They are active, curious and excited. Sometimes it is not easy for the family of a child with Attention Deficit to accept that their child has such a problem. What misleads families the most is that they consider the fact that the child can watch television or play computer games for hours as if there is no problem with his attention. Children with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder have no problem watching television or playing games on the computer as they wish.
In this disorder, depending on the changes in the affected area of the brain, the child has a problem of his own choosing. There is no problem in the activity and in the child's concentration at the desired time period. The problem is that attention wanders when there is something that needs to be specifically directed. Attention deficit occurs when special attention is required, such as in the classroom environment, resting lessons, doing homework, adapting to team play in a sports activity.
The symptoms frequently observed in children due to lack of attention are as follows:
The child has problems when he needs to focus his attention on a specific subject: homework, team sports, etc.
In tasks that require detailed and attention, produces work in a messy and irregular manner
External stimuli, which do not affect other children at all, easily distract their attention. They experience a lot of trouble in the tasks they need to continue
There are often problems in completing the assigned tasks
They move from one incomplete and unfinished job to another new activity.
They procrastinate a lot
They experience a lot of forgetfulness in daily activities
They are disorganized
They make decisions reactively. They have problems applying the Stop-Think-Do model. For this reason, they experience problems depending on their behavior.
Attention and Concentration Measurement
Lack of attention or distraction is related to the intelligence of the individual. What happens is not a problem; There is a difference in the working system of the brain. Brain imaging studies show that individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder experience a decrease in their brain activity compared to normal (especially in the frontal region, which is the front part of the brain tissue). Each region of the brain tissue has different functions. The function of the frontal region, which is the front region of the brain, is to control executive functions.
When there are problems in this region of the brain, problems occur in the following functions:
Being organized
Gathering and maintaining attention
Problem solving
Short-term memory
Impulses control of attention
When there is a lack of attention, problems and symptoms are observed due to the decrease in activity in the brain region that controls these functions.
Neurofeedback exercise is a treatment approach that allows improvement in the desired area of the attention system with the right exercises.
The meaning of the word Neurofeedback is:
Neuro = neurons, that is, brain tissue
Feedback = feedback, that is, creating a response to the displayed brain waves
Neurofeedback is an English word and its Turkish pronunciation is as follows: neurofidbek
Neurofeedback exercise is a computer-assisted attention training system. As a person improves his or her attention skills, he or she learns how to focus attention and maintain focused attention. Attention skill, which is a skill that can be developed, is successfully developed with neurofeedback, a computer-assisted program. By monitoring the brain waves that form the attention skill, attention exercises are applied to focus or maintain attention. Neurofeedback, a computer-assisted attention exercise program applied with specific sessions and protocols, is based on the principle of reorganizing the person's own attention system against the signals he receives from his own attention center.
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