Urinary Infection During Pregnancy

As the uterus grows during pregnancy, it begins to put pressure on the bladder, and changing hormones during pregnancy cause changes in the form and functioning of the urinary system (urinary tract). During pregnancy, the fluid in the vessels and between the tissues increases, causing the kidney to lengthen by approximately 1 cm. The kidney's urine filtration rate also increases by 30-50%. Heart beat accelerates. Mostly after the 3rd month, enlargement of the kidney channels and resulting urine accumulation occur. This situation is attributed to the fact that the baby in the womb puts pressure on the urinary tract and the progesterone hormone, which increases during pregnancy, has a relaxing effect on the urinary tract. As the uterus grows, the bladder begins to be pushed upward and forward.

Due to this change in normal pregnancies, a condition called "bacteriuria", the appearance of bacteria in the urine, occurs. This is not a very common condition, it has been observed in 5% more than non-pregnant women. When bacteria in the urine is treated, kidney inflammation is reduced to 3%. 60-70% of kidney inflammation usually occurs in the second and third periods of pregnancy.

If a pregnant woman has a history of diabetes, she should be followed more carefully. In untreated kidney inflammation, the baby's development is negatively affected. For this reason, screening for bacteriuria is preferred throughout pregnancy. A urine sample should be taken at the beginning of pregnancy and at the 16th week.

If the pregnant woman does not have a problem such as burning during urination, but bacteria are detected in the urine analysis, 2 separate urine cultures should be performed. It can be determined whether it is important or not.

It is treated with appropriate drugs that can be used during pregnancy. After treatment, it is necessary to have a urine culture again to ensure that bacteriuria has been completely eliminated. Afterwards, they need to be followed up with intermittent urine cultures.

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