Micro Plus application is based on stimulating the muscles by applying electrical current at different wavelengths and helps the body recover by creating isometric contractions in the muscles. This device, specially developed for slimming and body toning, also has a sports effect. The main purpose of doing sports is to use the muscles and enable the muscles to move. Micro Plus, on the other hand, enables muscles to activate without exercising, with electrotherapy performed with isometric and isometric contractions. It can be used by athletes both to prevent their muscles from atrophying, and when they have a long recovery period after chronic diseases or to support recovery programs, the body needs to maintain its own structure and form. Micro Plus, especially preferred by athletes, is also an effective alternative for those who do not have time to do sports. Micro Plus provides contraction and creates a sports effect. The body tightens as if you did sports and recovery occurs in sagging areas.
If we list the benefits of Micro Plus Application:
- It carries out the elimination and drainage of accumulated fluids.
- It helps reduce the symptoms of circulation disorder.
- It facilitates the removal of muscle spasms.
- It helps relieve chronic muscle and joint pain.
- It helps relieve back pain and neurological pain such as neuralgia.
- It reduces cellulite (in all areas where it occurs).
- It helps cell regeneration.
- It provides nutrition to the cells.
- It revitalizes the metabolism.
- It reduces stress and fatigue.
- Revitalizes old and dry skin.
- Reduces wrinkles and expression lines.
- Affects the formation of acne and pimples.
- Increases muscle tone.
- Surgery and long-term illnesses It helps strengthen the muscles after the post-operative period.
- It keeps the body fit in old age.
- It helps to reduce the body fat rate.
- It ensures the elimination of fat accumulations.
- It helps to eliminate laxity.
/> - Provides shaping of the body.
- Accelerates cell renewal.
- Reduces under-eye bags� � provides.
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