Kidney tumors; They are malignant tumors that usually arise from kidney cells. However, benign kidney tumors such as Oncocytoma and Angiomyolipoma are also encountered. Kidney cancers constitute 2-3% of all cancers and rank 3rd among genitourinary system cancers after prostate and bladder cancer. It is the 7th cause of death in men and the 9th cause of death in women. Smoking, obesity and hypertension are the most obvious risk factors. It is also known that chronic renal failure and exposure to heavy metals increase the risk of kidney tumors. It rarely shows familial genetic transmission. The tumor is usually seen in the 60s-70s. However, in parallel with the emergence of existing risk factors at an early age in our country, it is also possible to encounter kidney tumor patients at a younger age. Kidney tumors are one of the diseases that rarely cause symptoms. Symptoms such as side pain, bleeding in the urine, weakness, weight loss and loss of appetite may be observed. Diagnosis is mostly made through radiological examinations such as Ultrasonography and Computed Tomography, which are performed for other reasons. Due to the widespread use of these radiological examinations, there is an increase in the annual incidence, and at the same time, the rate of diagnosis at an early stage is increasing. After diagnosis, more advanced imaging methods (CT, MRI, Bone Scintigraphy) may be required to determine the stage of the disease.
European Association of Urology (EAU) and American Urology Association (AUA) guidelines; It recommends nephron-sparing surgery (removal of only the mass and part of the kidney) in the treatment of kidney tumors that are smaller than 4 cm, limited to the kidney and located in a suitable location. In the treatment of larger and unsuitably located tumors, radical nephrectomy (complete removal of the kidney along with the mass) is required. If the tumor has exceeded the boundaries of the kidney and metastasized (spread) to other tissues and organs, methods such as smart drugs and immunotherapy must be applied in addition to surgical treatment. Kidney tumors may tend to recur at varying rates depending on their stage. Therefore, it is vital to follow up patients regularly after surgery. Follow-ups; physical examination, blood tests and It should be done with adiological imaging methods.
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