What is Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease (gingivitis, periodontitis), which is considered the most important cause of tooth loss today, is an inflammatory disease of the periodontium characterized by the disruption of the balance between the dental plaque (biofilm) adhering to the tooth surface and the host defense mechanism (immune system). With the development of periodontal disease, healthy gums lose their clinical features and symptoms such as pocket formation, bleeding, gingival recession and bone loss begin to appear. As this situation continues, tooth migration, mobility and tooth loss may occur.

Periodontal diseases affect all age groups, including children. However, it is seen much more frequently in adults. Even teeth that have no decay can be lost due to this disease. Since it is usually painless, its symptoms are hardly noticed by the patient and in most cases, the doctor is consulted late.

If we were to classify gum diseases simply;
