How to Remove Edema from the Body?

“How to get rid of edema from the body?” The answer to the question is being researched by many people. Edema is known as swelling generally seen in the feet, legs, hands and arms. So, what are the causes of edema? Is there a treatment for edema? What are edema-inducing foods?

Assoc. Prof. from Medipol Mega University Hospital, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Dr. Didem Sezgin Özcan, “How to remove edema from the body?” He explained the answer to the question. Özcan gave a lot of information about edema, from foods that reduce edema to the causes of edema. Here are the details of the interview…

What are the causes of edema?

Edema is swelling that usually occurs in the feet, legs, hands and arms as a result of the accumulation of large amounts of fluid in the tissues. It can be detected temporarily by sitting or standing for long periods of time, eating very salty foods, before menstruation or during pregnancy, or it can also be seen as a result of serious underlying diseases. Therefore, when patients apply to their physicians with complaints of edema, they are evaluated for conditions such as kidney and liver diseases, heart failure, vein insufficiency in the legs and thyroid disorders. Lymphedema, also known as elephantiasis, is an important cause of edema that has special features in terms of evaluation and treatment.


Edema from the body. how to throw? What should patients with edema complaints pay attention to in their daily lives and diet?

People with edema complaints should keep their weight at an ideal level, exercise regularly, and eat a healthy and balanced diet. Restricting salt and carbohydrate consumption, consuming green leafy vegetables, fermented dairy products such as natural yoghurt and kefir containing high probiotics, red or white meat, eggs, legumes as protein sources, consuming vitamin C and E sources due to antioxidant activity, consuming pineapple containing high fiber. It is recommended that they include fruits in their diet. Contrary to popular belief, a protein-poor diet is not an appropriate treatment method for lymphedema. Protein restriction may even result in increased edema in these patients. Again, daily salt intake should not be cut completely, but should be limited to 2 grams. diary The average water requirement is around 2 liters and the need increases in hot weather. Tea and coffee consumption should not exceed 2 cups a day.

What is lymphedema? How does it occur?

Lymphedema is a disease caused by the accumulation of protein-rich fluid in the tissues due to a disorder in the lymphatic circulatory system. The lymphatic system surrounds our body like a network thanks to lymph vessels. It plays a role in the return of interstitial fluid, protein and many substances to the circulation and in the body's defense system. Disorders in the lymphatic system may be congenital or may occur in acquired conditions such as infection, trauma, advanced varicose veins and obesity.


What are the harms of edema?

If edema is adequately treated If not, its volume will increase day by day and cause various problems. Cosmetic problems, difficulty in movement and walking, easy injury to the skin, ulcer development, risk of infection and impaired blood circulation are some of these problems. Although unlikely, advanced lymphedema may also lead to the development of a malignant tumor called lymphangiosarcoma.


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