Do you know someone who has difficulty in communicating deeply and in a balanced way, and cannot help satisfy their childlike desires? These people, who may seem cold and selfish, are emotionally immature individuals.
Emotional maturation; It is a direct reflection of genetic inheritance and family relationships. Considering the emotional development of the child, the attitude of the parents plays a big role in emotional maturation. Limited and mostly one-sided dialogue and lack of expression of emotions negatively affect the formation of the child's bond with their parents. This inhibits the child's sense of likability and prevents the development of intimacy skills. When a child becomes an adult, he still remains an individual with childlike desires and is emotionally immature.
Everything is about them. They do not care about your feelings, interests and needs. They always have a tendency to focus on the relevant part of the events. The fact that your partner is not paying attention to your concerns and the things you care about is one of the signs that he is emotionally immature.
They make direct lines of defense clear when you raise a complaint. It is important to distinguish between the use of healthy humor and the unhealthy mocking. When your partner makes fun of you while expressing your discomfort, it is one of the signs that he is emotionally immature.
If there is a problem, they have difficulty in taking responsibility. It is their first choice to blame others. If you had ironed my suit, I could have left the house early to get to work. It is one of the signs that he is emotionally immature when your partner externalizes the problem.
They are fixed-minded. It doesn't make sense to present the antithesis to something. Don't be surprised if they still believe in theirs even if you disprove theirs. Looking at the issue from different angles does not make them feel safe because they believe it blindly. If he insists and does not respect your opinion, it is one of the signs that your partner is emotionally immature.
The emotions were scary for them r. Emotionally immature individuals are those who did not grow up learning emotions as children. They are afraid of feelings that they do not know. If they express their feelings, the truth will emerge. They don't prefer it. They may act contradictory with a cold expression. If your partner is struggling to suppress their feelings, this is one of the signs that they are emotionally immature.
Children of emotionally immature parents inherit some characteristics of their parents. This does not necessarily mean that the features will remain exactly the same.
Don't despair if you think your partner has similar characteristics. If your partner is willing to change, you can try ways to make it less damaging to your relationship. What makes you feel uneasy? Recognize them first. Ignoring the things that bother you lays the groundwork for your relationship not to continue intact, but for it to cause greater destruction in the first problem you do not ignore. Make it a habit to set healthy boundaries and express them. When you encounter situations that you don't like, try to give helpful responses by avoiding a destructive and angry reaction. I told you to take out the trash once, but what happens if you do what I say properly? This is an example of a reaction. What would you say to say? “I think you forgot to take out the trash again. The fact that you forget what I said makes me feel like you don't care. I need you to be more careful.” That's a pretty rich response. In this reaction, you are actually speaking a language that your partner does not know. Allow him to understand and internalize this language. With a determined stance in the face of such situations, you can help your partner who does not resist change. Couples therapy is a good opportunity for those who want to get extra help.
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