Pregnancy Tests

Tests to be done before getting pregnant. However, since approximately half of the pregnancies are not planned, tests must be performed at the first examination.

Complete Blood Count

Many parameters in the blood are evaluated. Hemoglobin level helps to evaluate whether there is anemia, platelet blood clotting status, and leukocyte infection.

Infection Screening Tests

Toxoplasma, rubella, syphilis. Screening is performed for hepatitis, CMV and HIV (aids). When these infections occur during pregnancy, they cause disability in the baby. By checking Ig M and IgG antibodies for toxoplasma, rubella and CMV, and VDRL for syphilis, it is investigated whether the mother has had these infections before.

Hepatitis and HIV tests are also checked at the end of pregnancy and postnatal treatment is planned for the baby in the presence of active infection. .

Biochemical Tests

Blood sugar, liver functions and kidney functions are examined.

Thyroid Function Tests

Abnormalities in thyroid hormone levels are detected and hormone support is given if necessary.

Full Urine Analysis

Although it is very easy to perform, many problems can arise. It helps us gain knowledge. It should be done regularly every month from the beginning of pregnancy.

Stones and sand can be detected in the urine. Increases in bilirubin, protein, glucose and erythrocytes (blood cells) indicate the presence of problems in the kidneys.

The presence of nitrite, leukocyte esterase and bacteria is a sign of infection and helps in treatment planning.

Ketone level starvation in the urine. shows. If sufficient nutrients cannot be taken due to nausea, vomiting or any other reason, ketone increases.

In the following weeks, protein in the urine increases in preeclampsia and eclampsia.

It is monitored whether the pregnant woman has enough fluid by looking at the density of the urine.


Urine Culture

It is performed when the pregnant woman has a complaint and there are signs of infection in the complete urinalysis. When bacteria are detected, treatment is planned according to the results of the antibiotic sensitivity test. Urinary tract infection may occur during pregnancy without causing any symptoms (asymptomatic bacteriuria). Therefore, it is necessary to have a urine culture every trimester.

Blood Group:

It should be done in pregnant women who do not know their blood type or in suspicious cases. In case of blood incompatibility, Indirect Coombs test is also requested and the incompatibility is followed up.


Pregnant women who have not had a smear test recently or have never had a smear test are taken. The presence of infection or abnormal cells in the cervix is ​​evaluated.

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