Missing Tooth Treatment

Tooth loss, which occurs due to various reasons, is very important today in terms of both health and aesthetics. While people with healthy, well-groomed and beautiful teeth are more comfortable in speaking, laughing and self-confidence, individuals with bad breath, discoloration and symmetry in their teeth can act more shy and distant in their relationships with their environment...

Crowns and bridges in dentistry When we say, there are 3 different materials. The outer layer of all of these is porcelain, so what we see in the mouth in these 3 treatments is porcelain. They are separated from each other thanks to the substance underneath the porcelain. They all have different areas of use and indications.

1. Metal Supported Porcelains (there is a metal substructure under the porcelain)
2. Zirconium Porcelains (there is a zirconium substructure under the porcelain)
3. Full Ceramics (there is no different substance under the porcelain, it is completely porcelain)

What is an implant (tooth implant)?

Dental implant is an artificial tooth root made of suitable material and placed in the jawbone in order to restore the function and aesthetics of missing teeth. It is a much safer, functional alternative treatment method compared to traditional crown, bridge and palate prostheses.

What are the benefits of implant application?

Implant treatment is comfortable, durable and durable. It is a reliable application. Dentures made on implants replace real teeth and create a natural structure. While missing teeth are replaced, healthy teeth are left untouched. It is much longer lasting than all dentures.
Thanks to the confidence it gives, it will also eliminate the negative psychological effects of missing teeth.

Is implant treatment long-lasting?

Studies to create a safe implant have been ongoing since the early 1800s. Today, there are implants on the market that are very close to perfection and have 35-40 years of clinical follow-up. Your dentist will give you more detailed information on this subject.

In which cases can implants be used?

Whether a single tooth or multiple teeth are missing, if there is a suitable amount of bone for implant placement. If available, implant treatment can be applied for every situation.

Implant can be applied to every patient. Does anyone know?

Implant screws are structures with a certain thickness and width. For this reason, the jaw bone in the area where the implant is planned to be placed must have a height and width that will accept this implant screw. The quality of the existing bone is one of the factors affecting the success of the implant. In addition, the gums must be completely healthy before the treatment and as long as the implant remains in the mouth. As long as the patient's general health condition is good, there is no upper age limit that would prevent implant application. Implants can be applied to anyone who is in good general health. However, it may not be preferred to apply it to very young patients whose bone development has not been completed.

They have been used in dentistry for many years. Although they lost their popularity to metal-free veneers over time, they are still a type of veneer that we use safely in dentistry.

Porcelain is an aesthetic yet sensitive material. If we are going to use porcelain on the chewing teeth in the back area and make long bridges, we must strengthen it with a material.

In metal-supported porcelains, the porcelain placed on top and appearing in the tooth color in the mouth is supported by a metal infrastructure. This metal fits the tooth like a hat and remains completely under the porcelain.

This metal is not visible in your mouth except for a thin line on the tongue side.

Zirconium Porcelains (there is a zirconium substructure under the porcelain)

If we want a coating that is both aesthetic and durable, we prefer zirconium porcelain. We use zirconium porcelain in all veneers and bridges, regardless of back teeth or front teeth.
The zirconium material under the porcelain is the same color as the porcelain, and the inside and outside of the veneer look the same. Since there is no need to mask a metallic infrastructure, they can be produced thinner and more elegant. The gums naturally recede a little over the years. In teeth coated with zirconium porcelain, even if the gum recedes, zirconium in the same color as the tooth will be reflected from under the gum, not gray metal. This will not disturb the patient in terms of aesthetics.

Another advantage of zirconium is its technology. Zirconium infrastructure is used in the laboratory with Cad-Cam (computer supported It is prepared as a design and production method, so the margin of error is close to zero. When they are glued on the teeth, there is no gap, they do not leak and do not allow air. In this way, the underlying teeth do not decay.

They are very aesthetic. There are no two different materials in their structure, they are produced entirely from porcelain, so the incoming light is not refracted and reflected just like natural teeth. It provides both liveliness and naturalness to these coatings. Their biggest disadvantage is that they are more fragile than the other two options. That's why we use it only on the front teeth. Teeth are prepared and measured in the first session, prepared in the laboratory with the Cad Cam system (Computerized design and production) and bonded to the tooth in the next session.


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