15. Week
- You may now feel baby movements in the form of 'muscle twitching' or a wiggle
(But don't panic even if not) Your baby will begin to grasp, frown, smile and point fingers
has started to suckle!
- The baby's legs have lengthened further than the arms. Now the body is larger than the head.
- The veins are visible because the skin is very thin.
- The 3 bones in the inner ear have started to harden.
However, the hearing center in the brain. not yet developed; Therefore, he does not hear it yet. - The upper palate
- The sense of taste develops.
- Finger and toe nails begin to grow.
- Eyebrows begin to grow. , the hair also becomes more visible.
Usually, its color and structure will change after birth.
- Thus, your little baby is 10 cm. and has reached 70 grams.
It is almost the size of a small tennis ball.
16. Week
- Subcutaneous fat tissue begins to form.
Did you know that the baby and the placenta are the same size at this stage?
- At the end of this week, the baby's height is 12 cm. and its weight is 100 grams. has been.
- He now holds his head and neck more upright.
- This week "possibilities!" week.
Baby's heartbeat can be heard from the mother's womb.
- Baby's heart rate is twice that of an adult.
- It is seen that baby's reflexes are developing!
Sucking, swallowing and blinking movements are evident. (Even a hiccup reflex may be observed.)
- Your baby has now learned to breathe!
This can be understood from the regular movements of the rib cage. Don't you think it's miraculous that he breathes in water
? These movements help the development of the lungs.
- Gender is now clearly determined in the external genital system.
17. Week
- Fat accumulation begins.
- In this week, the dimensions have reached 13 cm and 150 grams.
- The appearance is very 'human'. It resembles.
- Although the eyes are still tightly closed, they look forward.
- The retina has become sensitive to light.
- In the intestines, shed cells called 'meconium' The substance consisting of digestive secretions and swallowed amniotic fluid
starts to accumulate!
This substance will form the first stool.
- The umbilical cord begins to thicken and become stronger.
- Prostate development begins in male fetuses.
- The skeleton turns from cartilage to bone.
However, the bones of the baby that will pass through the birth canal are still soft.
- Amniotic fluid cycle reaches one liter per day.
18. Week
- Your baby begins to hear
Reacts to loud sounds.
- A white, cheese-like oily substance called 'vernix' begins to cover your baby's skin.
It protects the skin from the effects of water, along with the previously formed 'lanugo' hairs.
- The placenta continues to develop and nourish your baby.
- Towards the end of this week, the last part of the lungs is formed. 'air bubbles' with structures appear.
He will put them into use soon!
- The heart is visible on ultrasound with its 4 quadrants.
- It is 15 cm long. , weight 200 gr. It happened.
19. Week
- The gender is clearly determined.
- The vagina, uterus and tubes have begun to develop in female babies.
- In males, the external genital organs have become completely clear.
- In female babies, the vagina, uterus and tubes have begun to develop. p>
- The heart can now be examined in detail with ultrasound.
- Wakefulness and sleep periods are at newborn levels.
Sleep periods in which the baby is active and resting are clearly observed.
- The nervous system is completing its development and the substance 'myelin', which facilitates the transmission of stimuli along the nerves, is formed.
- The scalp has become more prominent.
It has spread to the entire skin.
- The buds of milk teeth are already developed; Next is the formation of permanent tooth buds.
- On the one hand, your baby swallows the amniotic fluid it contains, and on the other hand, it replaces what it has swallowed by
- This 16 cm at the moment. tall, 250 gr. You are carrying a baby weighing 20. Week
- You have gone half way with your baby!
Remember that pregnancy is 40 weeks from the last menstrual date.
- Now, the rapid growth phase is over.
The next process is of vital importance.
- Your baby's heart has started to beat stronger
Kar� It can be heard through the skin with a stethoscope.
- The body-leg length ratio has normalized.
With the muscles starting to develop, you can now feel baby movements!
- Substances belonging to your defense system. It will pass to the baby and protect him/her from many diseases for up to 6 months after birth!
- Special areas in the brain related to the senses of taste, smell, hearing, vision and touch begin to develop
Your baby can hear and distinguish your voice.
- Your baby can now react to loud sounds.
Surprisingly, he can hear sounds outside the womb. The sounds she gets used to during pregnancy have a calming effect after birth.
- Baby girls have 6 million eggs in their ovaries. Unlike boys, the number of eggs that determine reproductive ability is limited in girls.
. Only one million of them will remain alive at the time of birth.
- Your baby's height is now measured as head-to-heel distance.
Your half-way baby is 17 cm. and 300 gr. It weighs.
21. Week
- Nutrition and therefore weight gain begins to accelerate.
- Bone marrow begins to produce white blood cells.
Until now, this task was in the spleen and liver. White blood cells are the body's main
defense cells against diseases.
- The skin has now begun to become opaque.
- The tongue is fully formed.
Tongue movements. It can be monitored with ultrasound.
- In female babies, the uterus and vagina have completed their development.
- The frequency of swallowing increases.
In this way, the intestines reabsorb the water portion of the swallowed amniotic fluid. The rest travels in the large intestine
. It is a good exercise for the digestive system!
- Sleep-wake processes have become more regular.
- Accordingly, its height is 27 cm. Its weight is 360 gr.
22. Week
- Structures that detect the sense of taste develop on the tongue.
- Your baby can now hear you more clearly when you talk, read, sing! Did you know that the sound reaches the baby more clearly?
- Eyelids and eyebrows take their final shape.
- Nails have grown to the fingertips.
- Brain development is at its peak. It's a time when it's fast.
But, surprise! Third brain development continues after birth until the age of 5.
- With the help of his mother, your baby begins to break down some metabolic products in his liver.
- In male babies, the testicles that develop in the abdomen descend towards the scrotum. begins.
-The first sperm structures have appeared, and it has even started to produce the testosterone (male) hormone.
-Weight gain per week is 70 grams.
-This week 28cm at the end. and reached 450 gr.
23. Week
- A sense of balance develops
Your baby has an 'exercise pattern' in the womb: he turns from right to left and his head and feet change places
. As the inner ear completes its development, the baby can distinguish right-left / bottom-top.
- Body proportions are similar to a newborn.
However, it is weaker because fat storage has not started.
- The bones in the middle ear become relatively hard.
- Although there are still no color cells in the iris, the eye has now developed.
- Color cells appear on the skin.
- The pancreas, which is the gland that produces the insulin necessary to break down and use sugar, which is your baby's only source of energy, continues to develop at a regular pace.
- In case of a possible premature birth this week, the chance of survival is 15% in a good center. -20 and the rate is increasing day by day.
-Your baby weighs 550 gr. and 29 cm. It happened.
24. Week
- Respiratory movements increase
The structure of the lungs becomes more complex and the production of a substance called 'surfactant' that prevents the air bubbles from deflating begins.
- The weight gain is distributed to the internal organs, muscle and bone tissue.
- Small lines appear on the palms.
- Sweat glands develop in the skin.
- Births after this week ' It is defined as 'compatible with life'; That is, the rate of not needing artificial support in the external environment is relatively high (50%).
- Your baby, who is almost the length of a ruler (30 cm), weighs 600 grams. is coming.
25. Week
- Spinal structures, joints and ligaments begin to form.
These ensure the protection of the spinal cord.
- Pulmonary vessels develop.- Nostrils open.
A study claimed that the baby can distinguish odors.
- The mouth and lip areas become more sensitive.
- Swallowing and grasping reflexes are completed.
- It is now 34.6 cm. and 660 gr. you have a baby.
26. Week
- The spine is getting stronger to support the developing body.
- The air bubbles in the lungs are completely formed.
- The fatty substance called 'surfactant' that prevents the lungs from deflating and sticking. substance production increases.
- Your baby's eyes are now open and can make blinking movements.
Depending on ethnicity, some babies are born with blue or gray-blue eye color. Some of these may change color in the first 6
months. Some people are born with dark eyes.
- The retina begins to develop in the eye.
- Brain activity related to the senses of vision, hearing and touch can now be detected.
A stick on your abdomen. It has been found that when you shine a light source, the baby turns its head in that direction. So, the optic nerve
is working.
- At the end of this week, the height is 35.6 cm and the weight is 760 grams. It happened.
27. Week
- Eyes are now open
The eyelids are fully opened and can distinguish light and darkness.
- The development of the retina in the eye is completed.
- The brain continues to develop rapidly.
Do not forget to share music, books and conversations with him/her!
- His response to sound is more consistent.
He begins to distinguish the voice of his mother / father.
- While lung development continues, every day spent in the womb increases the chance of survival
in case of birth.
- Even though it is still in water, there is breathing movement
- His height has increased 3-4 times since the 14th week. Your baby is 36.5 cm. and 875 gr. happened. If he is born this week, his chance of survival is 80%.
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