Man is born small, helpless and pathetic, unaware of the world. However, he was created with the ability to encompass the entire universe and to be a caliph-witness-witness to the earth. From the moment he opens his eyes to the world, he begins to move towards his perfection and perfection, which he is not even aware of yet, which his mind cannot see, but which his eye of talent and ability sees very well. And what a beginning... A development, a progress, perhaps an exaltation, manifested in the form of the desire and desire felt for every perfection that is worthy of humans...
In the process of nature, that little child grows and fulfills the requirements of being a human as he grows up; even if he doesn't realize it. As a person grows up, he uses the "freedom to make mistakes" that is in front of us, as a requirement of being human. However, a person who has his sights set on perfection suffers deep wounds in every 'mistake' he makes, knowingly or unknowingly. Over time, his self is stuck between the dilemma of perfection and flaw/error. What follows are deep inner conflicts that we all know very well, endless internal conflicts, restlessness, distress, excitement-anxiety and a dark, pessimistic, hopeless mood... According to Imam-i Ghazali, since the Creator also gave man the attributes of Rububiyah, the human self reveals its true nature. When he forgets and begins to see and feel himself perfect, flawless and sinless, like the Lord, mistakes that he cannot deny appear in him. Because "We have inspired what is iniquity and what is piety" says the Lord Almighty. But on the other hand, people try to deny and ignore their mistakes with incredible effort. At the level of consciousness, a person accepts his mistakes in direct proportion to what he has learned throughout his life and constantly repents with his tongue. However, making this acceptance not only at the conscious level but also at the unconscious level, that is, with all one's self and heart, can help save the person from this trouble. Because of the trouble of endless internal conflicts... However, Allah Almighty commands in the Qur'an, "Do not quarrel..." Maybe, in other words, it means being able to forgive yourself. Forgiveness... In other words, accepting one's ability to make mistakes... You know, sometimes we have deep anger towards someone; Supposedly because it made us angry. We won't forgive him, we can't forgive him. “How can such a line be can he do? we think. I think there is no one who doesn't know how heavy the weight of this anger weighs on us. But of course, we also know the peace of mind when we 'truly' forgive our interlocutor. The incredible lightness of forgiveness... In fact, by forgiving, we accept that he can make mistakes.
This mistake-forgiveness approach between people and the benefits of this approach also apply to the person's inner world. If a person experiencing a deep or superficial spiritual crisis can forgive himself, that is, if he accepts that he can make mistakes, that is, if he accepts that he is incomplete and not a perfect god, he can achieve the transition from the tension that crushes his soul to tranquility. That is, if he truly asks for forgiveness, he can continue his enthusiastic, willing journey towards his perfection and perfection. “Real, truly repentance” perhaps means a person's ability to accept himself with his mistakes... The state of admitting that he is a pure flaw and realizing that perfection belongs to a Divine Being... In other words, being able to forgive oneself... But taking responsibility for the action he has committed and being able to do so in the embarrassment of it... In other words, 'guilt' instead, continuing on his way with feelings of 'shame/embarrassment'...
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