Loss and Mourning in the Family

Mourning Process in Children

During their developmental period, children are at an age where they can understand the concept of death and mourn over it, although not as much as an adult. That's why we must first of all remember that he will also grieve in this process. Some of the grief reactions common to people (stagnation and silence, reluctance to perform certain behaviors, general state of sadness, etc.) In this case, it is important not to worry or worry (because he is a child), but to be a partner in the mourning process, to give empathetic reactions and especially to listen to him. However, the child will also want to listen to you. Don't be afraid to express your feelings, but although it may not be easy, remain calm as you express your feelings towards the bereaved child. This mutual situation is for the child; He acts as a role model for the mourning process by saying, "Both my mother and father experience similar emotions and can remain calm." Children are much stronger than we expect and they go through a healthy mourning process accompanied by empathetic and sincere conversations. Most importantly, it is important to say it again: Children also go through a mourning process, this is a normal and healthy situation.

Here, in the form of items (by giving clear information in a few items), we will explain the backbone of communication with the child during the mourning process. We can remove it. Taking these items into consideration, the support you can provide during the announcement of the death and the mourning process can be as follows:

''We need to talk to you, the issue is about your grandmother. You know that your grandmother was in the hospital for about a week and your father was staying with her. I went to your father's place this morning. Today we learned that the grandmother died.. (you can express your own feelings while keeping your calm, be open.)'' (this amount of conversation is enough for an informative conversation, this conversation will of course continue, but the child's questions or reactions will determine these conversation clouds. The important thing is to comply with the following items as much as possible .)''

