Which of us does not have "stress" in our lives? Especially in this period we are going through. While the instantaneous stresses experienced by early humans - such as a wild animal attack - were called "acute stress", unfortunately the stresses we experience today have become permanent. The situation has settled in us as "chronic stress". So what is this Adrenal Fatigue or HPA axis disorder? A syndrome characterized by the deep incompatibility between modern nutrition and modern lifestyle and our natural stress response. HPA Axis - Hypothalamus, Pituitary Gland and Adrenal The axis created by the gland becomes active when we are exposed to stress. When the stress factor disappears, the HPA axis turns off. However, today the HPA axis is constantly active. In a way, the body's alarm system is always on.
The HPA axis is responsible for the fight or flight response. A When faced with a stressor, it initiates the secretion of various hormones (cortisol, ACTH, Crh). Cortisol controls metabolism, insulin sensitivity, the immune system and blood flow in the body. If you are running away from a lion, all these effects affect the most basic functions (perception, decision-making, energy for our muscles). If you decide to fight, all these effects work to prepare for wound healing and reduce non-essential functions (digestion, kidney, reproduction, growth functions, collagenous protein synthesis, muscle-bone formation). Cortisol also has a negative feedback effect on the pituitary and hypothalamus. It works in the direction of notification. It is the body's way of saying "hey, now we got the signal that we are under stress, thank you, we are here!" If it is still perceived (that lion is still there), the HPA axis remains active.
Well, today the HPA is constantly stimulated by various sources (traffic, work anxiety, alarm clock, insomnia, blue lights of phones and computers, bills, social stress). How does our axis respond to this? It also gets tired and reverses the normal response, reducing cortisol levels below normal. Low Cortisol levels cause low immunity, fatigue, chronic inflammation and naturally CHRONIC DISEASES.
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