Misconceptions About Breast Cancer

It is only seen in people with a family history of breast cancer.

Only 10-15% of breast cancers are familial, that is, in those who have a first-degree relative with breast cancer, and approximately 10% are seen in those who carry cancer genes such as BRCA 1,2. . 75% of breast cancers occur due to other factors. Being a woman and older age are the most important risk factors for breast cancer.

Every palpable lump in the breast is cancer.

The majority of palpable masses in the breast are the breast's own tissue or what we call fibroadenoma or fibrocyst. They are benign structures. Fibroadenomas and fibrocysts have no risk of turning into cancer. However, they may cause pain in the breast or cause enlargement and tension in the breast.

A cancer-related mass in the breast is not always painless

Most cancer-related masses are painless, but pain is cancer. It does not mean that it is not present, it must be evaluated by a doctor.


 It is necessary to have both breasts removed


Removing both breasts is only very necessary. It is recommended for high risk patients. Having cancer in one breast does not mean being in a high risk group. There is no difference in terms of survival and risk of disease recurrence between breast-conserving surgery followed by radiotherapy and removal of the entire breast in these patients. However, the patient's feeling is more important than anything else. If the person will feel more comfortable and safe, removal of both breasts may be on the agenda, or vice versa, it may not be removed at the patient's request, even though it should be removed.


 Breast cancer is not seen in men


Men have breast tissue, albeit very small, and breast cancer can occur, although much less frequently than in women. The most common symptom is a mass seen in the breast. Again, as in women, it may present with nipple discharge, bleeding, retraction, deformities, and palpable swelling in the armpit.


Pregnancy increases the risk of breast cancer


Pregnancy does not increase the risk of breast cancer, on the contrary, it reduces it. However, the diagnosis of cancer may become difficult due to physiological changes in the breast during pregnancy.


 Aesthetic operations increase the risk of breast cancer


In recent years, breast enlargement has occurred. There is a belief that silicones used in pushing operations cause cancer, but no data has been obtained in studies indicating that these silicones cause cancer.

Mammography causes cancer

There is a belief that mammography itself causes cancer due to the radiation it emits. In fact, the radiation emitted by mammography was higher in the years when technology was not developed. It has been reported in publications that mammograms cause cancer, but with today's technology, the radiation to be received from a mammogram is not more than the radiation received from natural sources in a few weeks. Considering the benefit it will provide in detecting cancer early, we should not avoid having a mammogram when the time comes or when necessary.


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