Child Sexual Abuse

Recently, we learn through the media that children are sexually harassed almost every day in our country. Although female abusers are rare, abusers are usually adult men. These people establish physical, often sexual, contact with children in order to be sexually satisfied, and they do this by threatening children, making it seem like the harassment is normal or the child's fault, and intimidating them.

If the harassment is not noticed by an adult, such behavior It can last for weeks, months or even years. Child abuse and neglect is defined as the behavior of those responsible for the child that harms the child's development, health or life by using their trust or physical power.

Abuse is physical, emotional and sexual abuse according to the behaviors committed against children. They are grouped as follows.

What are the effects of child abuse and neglect on the individual's development?

Although the child tries to cope with the behavior of the abusive adult, the control mechanism in case of extreme stress and danger collapses and the child becomes out of control and fearful.

It is stated that children exposed to child abuse and neglect have more developmental problems. It has been determined that all groups exposed to child abuse and neglect have a higher rate of insecure attachment than those who are not abused. It has been observed that adults who were abused in childhood also experience high stress, low family support, and have more problems in their relationships with the opposite sex.

In a study conducted with young children who were abused, those who were abused were more externally dependent and shy in learning, unable to maintain their motivation to learn, and It has been stated that they are children with low cognitive maturity. These characteristics observed at an early age show that, as suggested by the initiation theory, children act within the framework of the accessibility and responsiveness model they have acquired in the parental relationship, in their relationships with the teacher, who is the first adult they encounter at school other than their parents. The child thinks that the teacher will not meet his/her demands and does not become demanding, but academically and cognitively. They may not be able to use the resources that will support their development and may experience problems in the academic field.

Those who are exposed to child abuse and neglect also experience problems in their self-development. They have difficulty perceiving themselves as a whole and continuous person and being aware of their needs, thoughts and inner expressions. Abuse groups have more problems with emotional regulation as well as self-development. It is seen that abused children have difficulty establishing healthy relationships with others. When looking at their relationships with their peers, it is stated that those who were abused both in childhood and adolescence exhibit more aggression and avoidance behaviors.

Although not all children who have problems in different areas of development develop psychopathology, these difficulties put children at risk for psychopathology. Many studies have shown that children, adolescents and adults exposed to abuse have higher psychological symptoms. Depression, anxiety and personality disorders are more common in these children.

It is known that different types of abuse may have different developmental effects. In addition, it is known that characteristics of the abuse experience, such as the severity and duration of the abuse, the identity of the abuser and the degree of closeness to the child, are also associated with developmental outcomes as risk factors. If the abuser is a relative or trusted person of the child, especially if the child is a parent, if the abuse has been experienced for a long time and if the child has been subjected to severe abuse, the developmental effects on the child are more severe.

Sexual abuse occurs when the child is not understood or accepted by an adult or an older child. It is a situation where the person is not developmentally ready and is used for the sexual satisfaction of the other party. This includes all kinds of sexual conversation, joking, all behaviors and actions, from non-contact forms of abuse such as exposure and voyeurism, to touching the child's genitals, oral-genital sex, incest, rape, prostitution and use in the production of pornographic materials. Child sexual abuse is most common between the ages of 6-10. The rate of girls being abused is higher than the rate of boys is high.

Sexual abuse is usually committed by someone the victim knows. The attacker is rarely a stranger. One third of sexual abuse is committed by another child. Sexual abuse is a complex type with certain indicators for child victims. There are usually no physical symptoms and behavioral indicators cause other symptoms to appear. This type of abuse, which is common and usually long-term, is often hidden.

Physical Indicators:

Difficulty walking and sitting, torn, stained or bloody underwear. , soreness, swelling, redness, bleeding or itching in the genital area. Pain in urination, bruises, bleeding or tears outside the genital area, detection of a sexually transmitted disease.

Behavioral Indicators:

Inappropriate sexual games. or advanced sexual knowledge and promiscuity. Hysteria, inability to control emotions, unexpected difficulties at school. Withdrawal and depression, excessive upset over sibling rivalry. Difficulty in relationships with peers and avoidance of relationships with them, creating self-social isolation. Avoidance of physical contact or closeness, sudden and extreme weight change. Extreme fear of certain places and people, running away from a familiar adult or exhibiting avoidance behavior.

Long and Short-Term Psychological Effects:

Showing post-traumatic stress disorder. , nightmares, phobias, fear reactions, sleep disorders, introversion, attention deficit, bedwetting, fecal incontinence, excessive fantasizing and sleepwalking.

One of the strongest indicators of sexual abuse is the child's expression. If the child says that he has been sexually abused, this should be taken seriously.

Emotional indicators and sexual abuse cause great damage to the child's sense of trust. Apart from these, the abuser constantly directs or threatens the child to remain silent. This guidance is beyond the child's ability to understand. The child gives a range of emotional reactions. These; self-problems, low self-worth, guilt, shame, depression, anxiety, mood swings, serious decrease in self-esteem, anger reactions, oppositional defiance disorder.

One of the most important things to do about sexual abuse is to ensure that children recognize possible abuse situations, react appropriately, and immediately tell a trusted adult when they encounter this situation. In order to protect them from abuse, they should be taught the ability to say no, what good or bad touching is, that there should be no secrets between adults and children, that their bodies are special to them, and that any uncomfortable situation should be shared with the parents. When faced with such a situation, the child should not be blamed. It is important for the child who is abused and the family who feels unable to protect him/her to receive psychological support.

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