Even though there is no neurological problem, a person's difficulty in reading, writing and mathematics, despite having a medium or high mental capacity, may be a sign of a learning disorder.
A Special Mathematics Problem: DYSCALCULIA
Dyscalculia; It is part of the broad spectrum called learning disorders. In this problem, the child has difficulty in mathematics even though his intelligence capacity is normal or above normal. They cannot decide what action to take in a problem; they understand the question better when someone else reads it and prefer to solve the problem mentally. They are slow when performing the four operations, they count on their fingers, they forget the hands, they write the numbers messily, they cannot put the digits one under the other, they write the result incorrectly or backwards, they confuse the hash. They can draw zeros up and clockwise. They may have difficulty perceiving concepts such as number, distance, quantity, shape, size, time and money. They have difficulty learning time and multiplication tables, and may not remember information such as date, license plate, address and telephone numbers. It can also be said that their performance is low in geometry and fractional operations.
A Special Writing Problem: DYSGRAPHIA
The child with dysgraphia has problems in decoding words. He tries to deal with problems such as writing letters incorrectly, incompletely or backwards while writing the words he hears due to motor skill, visual and auditory perception problems. can be mixed with . Can perceive and write numbers upside down or rotated (such as 3-E, 6-9, 4-7, 2-5, 10-01). Pen control is also poor as the pen cannot be held in the appropriate position. His writings are messy and illegible, his notebooks are disorganized. Some letters and syllables Adds or adds. Writes the syllable or word backwards. It does not comply with spelling rules and punctuation marks. Success levels in written exams are low. He writes slower than his peers, and cannot keep up with the class while looking at the board and writing down what the teacher says.
A Special Reading Problem: DYSLEXIA
Considering the individual's age, measured intelligence level and the education he receives in accordance with his age, Reading achievement is significantly below expectations. Some of them read very slowly compared to their peers, and some do not understand what they read. They often confuse the letters (b-d, b-p, m-n, b-m) while reading. They can skip letters, words and lines. Sometimes they can read syllables and sometimes the whole word upside down.
They have difficulties in attention, perception, judgment and memory. They often confuse right-left, direction and opposite concepts.
Dyslexia is not a disease. Therefore, there is no drug treatment that will eliminate this difficulty. However, if this condition is accompanied by some psychiatric disorders such as anxiety and depression, it would be beneficial to see a child psychiatrist. The most valid method for the solution of dyslexia is special education. The child passes the necessary psycho-pedagogical evaluations and care should be taken to ensure that the IQ score is not low in tests measuring mental performance. Observations and opinions of the family and the teacher are also taken and visual - auditory attention problems, reading - writing analysis, traumatic experiences related to the past, motivation, areas of strength and areas that need to be improved are examined. Most importantly, this information raises awareness in the child and underlines the fact that the reason for his failure is not his own alone, but that it can be overcome together. Thus, school lessons, homework, etc. It will no longer be a nightmare.
Dear parents and teachers; If you cannot solve your child's academic problems with more exercises, private lessons and courses, and your child does not have any mental disabilities, call our center and seek support. Because; With the right education, children learn how to cope with these problems by acquiring many different strategies and continue their education lives by gaining self-confidence. Be sure to give them this opportunity.


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