- Sudden vascular occlusions (embolism, thrombosis)
A severely narrowed vascular space on the basis of atherosclerosis is caused by a blood clot that suddenly changes from stenosis to occlusion. rotation (thrombosis) or the heart, where a piece of clot in the vein in the abdomen breaks off and is dragged by the circulatory flow and sits like a plug in the mouth of a healthy vein. (embolism) sudden loss of nutrition to the area fed by that vein These are sudden vascular occlusions that occur in the form of complete disappearance.
Ultrasonography, MRI and computed tomography can be used to show the location of the occlusion in diagnosis. In this type of sudden blockage, the resistance time of organs to oxygen deprivation varies, but it is necessary to restore blood circulation in order to cause minimal damage. It is a serious situation that can lead to loss of limbs if not acted quickly or even loss of life if a widespread area is affected. may occur with treatment. If there are pre-existing advanced stenoses in the underlying ground, sometimes surgeries such as bypass can be used if the desired results cannot be achieved with these treatments.
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