Panic attack is a seizure of anxiety, intense anxiety, anxiety and fear that occurs unexpectedly. This anxiety and anxiety attack manifests itself with some physical symptoms in the person's body, so it often creates a feeling of intense fear and discomfort in the person. In the feeling of intense fear, the person thinks that something very bad will happen, that the end has come for him, that he will die, go crazy, faint, lose control or have a heart attack. The person who is in such intense fear naturally wants to escape from that environment and go to a health institution where he can get help.


Panic disorder The rate of panic disorder and panic attacks in the first-degree relatives of patients with this condition has been found to be between 15-30%.

If the person has intense emotions in the unconscious and these emotions cannot be experienced or expressed, they accumulate over time and become ready to explode. On the other hand, if the system that calms these emotions does not work well and defense skills are not developed, repressed emotions explode and are expressed as a panic attack. Suppressed sexual impulses, aggressive impulses, and feelings of anger may cause panic.

According to some theorists, if the relationship established with the mother is not a secure attachment, the child experiences feelings of fear and anxiety very intensely. The groundwork is prepared for a panic attack.

If one of the family members has this behavior pattern, it is modeled and learned.

Symptoms that occur in the body for any reason (for example, palpitations, numbness.) are unnecessary and dangerous for the person. Perceiving it as a serious disorder causes panic. Insignificant heartbeat, dizziness, dry mouth, which may accompany any state of anxiety; person It is interpreted by the person as meaning that he will faint, die, or his heart will stop. The physical movements and sensations that occur after stimuli that are interpreted as harmful and dangerous are also misinterpreted and a "vicious circle" is entered. The person now constantly pays attention to his/her physical sensations and stays alert, and his/her negative thoughts are reinforced.

After the panic attack passes; The person feels like he was run over by a truck. A tremendous fatigue, reluctance, intolerance to noise, noise, crowds and light emerge. Lying down and resting would be the best choice. You want someone you trust to be with you, but not to ask questions or talk too much. These make the person who is already "out of control" even more tired.

The following symptoms may be seen during a panic attack. It is often enough to have four of these symptoms. Generally, people experience 7-10 of these symptoms during seizures.

1 - Palpitations, feeling heartbeats,
2 - Sweating. ,
3 - Trembling or shaking,
4 - Shortness of breath or feeling like you are choking,
5 - Shortness of breath,
6 - Chest pain or chest discomfort,
7 - Nausea or abdominal pain,
8 - Dizziness, feeling dizzy, feeling like you are going to fall or faint,
9 - Derealization or Depersonalization (Feeling as if the outside world or oneself have lost their reality),
10- Fear of losing control or going crazy,
11- Fear of death,
12- Numbness and tingling sensation,
13- Chills and hot flushes.

Frequency of occurrence �ı;

Panic disorder - it is 2-3 times more common in women than in men.
75-80% of patients diagnosed with panic disorder are women. In family studies; No connection was found with education or social status. Its lifetime prevalence has been found to be between 1.5-3.5% in different studies. This rate is increasing.

Panic attacks and "limited symptom attacks" that occur due to various diseases are reported to be between 15-20%. Therefore, it is understood that panic attacks due to panic disorder or other psychological and biological reasons are seen in 20-25 of every hundred people. This rate means that 1 in every 4 people has a panic attack.

The majority of panic patients are diagnosed with psychiatry. consults external physicians. Since the symptoms are autonomic and physical symptoms, they can give the appearance of heart disease. That's why the first applications are to internal branches.

Panic Attacks can start at any age;
* It most often starts between the ages of 20-30, the rate of onset decreases with age
* Ethnic and cultural differences were not found to be very important.
* It is more common in urban life than in rural areas.
* No connection was found with economic status.
* No direct relationship was found between education level and panic disorder.
* It is less common in married people than in divorced people, (In one study, it was 5 times more common in divorced people)


Panic attack To enable the person with the disease to control his breathing, thus to show that he can control his panic attack,

To create the panic attack himself and to take it under control, thus to make the person feel the feeling of control,

Seb Working on current emotions and behaviors and preventing them from recurring by resolving causality.

Panic Attack is a treatable disease.

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