Bypass Surgery

The surgical procedure performed in case of narrowing or blockage of the arteries feeding the heart is called bypass. Bypass can be expressed as bridging. The surgery is performed with a vein taken from another part of the body, beyond the blocked area of ​​the artery, and sufficient blood flow is ensured. Coronary bypass is surgery performed as a result of the blockage of the arteries called coronary arteries that feed the heart.

In Which Situations Is Bypass Performed?

Today, bypass surgery is generally preferred in cases where the use of stents is not suitable. However, in some cases, bypass may be preferred instead of stent. If a person with diabetes has more than one vessel blocked, has serious valve disease, or has an obstacle to taking blood thinners that must be used after stent, bypass may be preferred.

What are the Risk Factors in Bypass Surgery?

Risks vary depending on the patient's preoperative condition, age, gender, and whether he or she has other diseases. Diabetes, obesity, kidney or lung diseases, having had a heart attack before, or having an arrhythmia are among the risk factors.

With bypass surgeries, the current problem is solved at that moment and the area fed by the clogged vessels is restored to a healthy state. blood flow is ensured. However, existing arteriosclerosis does not disappear with surgery. For this reason, the lifestyle of bypassed patients is very important after surgery.

After Bypass

After surgery, patients should have regular check-ups, avoid heavy sports, pay attention to their nutrition, and maintain their ideal weight. It is very important at this point to stay away from animal fats and prefer fish meat. As much as possible, more calories than expended should not be consumed. Since the function of bypass surgery is to improve the current quality of life, the patient can return to his active life after a roughly two-month rehabilitation period after the surgery.

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