Chiropractic Therapy

Chiropractic; The word literally means “application made by hand”. Therapy performed with the chiropractic method aims to improve the general health of the body through natural therapies without medication. The most important goal of chiropractic therapy is to eliminate the patient's physical and functional problems and provide the person with a quality life. Chiropractic treatment is an effective therapy method that has been used for many years. The methods used in this therapy include manipulation-mobilization of the spine and joints and soft tissue massages.

Chiropractic is used as a very effective solution for acute or chronic biomechanical or kinesiological-related spine disorders and joint problems. . Chiropractic is not applied to fractures, dislocations, or spinal cord tumor-infections. Apart from this, it provides very effective results in the treatment of all spine diseases and joint problems that the specialist finds suitable for therapy after his evaluation.

 Chiropractic; It consists of manual therapy techniques performed by hand. They are specialized manual therapy applications applied to detect and treat problems arising from biomechanical and kinesiological dysfunction of the spine and reduce their effects on the nervous system. The area to be treated in the spine is determined, and the existing joint is mobilized using the hands. Thus, the pressure on the pinched nerves is eliminated.

-Purpose of therapy; It is the elimination of nerve compression by returning the spine to its healthy position by manually intervening in the spine without surgery, medication and side effects. In this way, all side effects that come with surgery are eliminated. With cause-oriented treatment, great comfort is brought to the patient's life.

Chiropractic therapy is mostly used for the treatment of musculoskeletal system and especially spine diseases. The American Chiropractic Association has stated that chiropractic application should be the first option in the treatment of head, neck, back and low back pain problems.


  • Waist and neck herniations

  • Waist, neck and back pain due to poor posture

  • Common muscle pain due to stress

  • Myofascial pain syndromes

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Sports injuries

  • Head and neck pain

In which cases is chiropractic not applied?

  • Odontoid hypoplasia, unstable os odontoideum etc. anomalies such as

  • Acute fracture or luxation of a vertebra

-Spinal cord tumor

-Osteomyelitis acute infections such as septic discitis and spinal tuberculosis

-Meningeal tumor

-Spinal Cord or intracanalicular hematomas

-Malignant spinal tumor

-Fragmented disc herniation with signs of progressive neurological deficit

-Basilar intussusception of the upper cervical spine

-Arnold Chiari malformation of the upper cervical spine

-Aneurysmal bone cyst, giant Aggressive types of benign tumors such as cell bone tumor, osteoblastoma or osteoid osteoma

-Postoperative fixation/stabilization prostheses (soft tissue techniques can be applied)

-Neoplastic tumors of muscle or other soft tissues diseases

-Positive Kernig or Lhermitte signs

-congenital, generalized hypermobility

-Instability signs or patterns




-Hydrocephaly of unknown etiology


-Cauda equina syndrome

How should the chiropractic therapy process be?

The first 5-6c sessions can be done 2-3 times a week, then once a week if it is still necessary depending on the person's condition. As the patient's condition improves, the average therapy duration is 8-10 sessions in total, with follow-up every 2 weeks and once a month. Chiropractic is not a treatment method that requires dozens of sessions over months. The treatment plan varies from person to person and is personalized. The session may increase or decrease depending on the person's condition. Physical therapy and exercise should be done along with chiropractic therapy. After the evaluation, the appropriate exercise program is given to the patient by the physiotherapist.


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