In order to properly understand what a student coach is, it will first be beneficial to examine the education system in today's Turkey. Today's education system is based on measuring how much the student knows, not how he uses the new knowledge he has acquired. Unfortunately, the extent to which students are successful is evaluated only by their exam results. Accordingly, the common wish of most parents is for their children to be successful in exams and academic life that concern their future. Therefore, parents and teachers struggle to prepare students for the exam marathon. Students try to keep up with the pace, sometimes showing ups and downs. We can say that parents, especially those who closely follow their children's academic development and try to motivate them, are confused about how they should go through this process and how they should approach their children. We see that parents' statements such as 'Let's get to class, start to start...' can cause parent-child conflict over time and create an uneasy family environment at home.
So, how to spend the academic process effectively and efficiently with positive relationships? Is it possible?
The fact that the exams that will determine the choice of profession coincide with adolescence makes this period also sensitive and difficult. We can say that it is possible to go through this difficult period for both students and parents in a more positive, productive and effective way with the support of education and a student coach. Because we know that the child or adolescent's ongoing physiological and psychological development process causes him/her to experience emotional and behavioral ups and downs, and the exam stress added to this can increase the intensity and severity of the ups and downs in the student's emotions and behaviors.
Student coaching is a consultancy based on establishing a positive bond and cooperation with the student. The student coach can provide consultancy by evaluating with an expert eye where the student is having difficulty, what he needs, what the action plan that needs to be drawn may be.
“Student Coaching support helps the student prepare efficiently before the exam and to show the best he can show during the exam. show good performance It is a service that aims to ensure students' success.”
What does the work organized together with the Student Coach bring to the student? He can study more effectively and efficiently by learning study methods and techniques. (POMODORO, ISOAT, Speed Reading, PIKİ, Mind Map, etc.)
The student's motivation increases, he/she helps himself and the future. Negative beliefs about the student are replaced by success and confidence.
The student gains a sense of responsibility.
The student's power of concentration increases, concentration and attention span is extended.
It enables the student to know himself/herself, the student discovers his/her strengths and aspects that need improvement, sets realistic goals and expectations for himself/herself and moves forward with confident steps.
Pre-exam stress management, emotional changes that may occur during the exam, and how to cope with exam anxiety.
By learning effective communication, you can avoid family conflicts and friend problems. Learns to approach people through a healthy communication channel.
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