I tried to explain that going to a psychologist is good, that it is a way of "breathing" for the person who is in trouble. However, my experience with a psychologist in Sweden indicates to me that an idea that has been ingrained in the brain for years, has been established, and has been well-established, should be further investigated and systematically worked with. So, by discussing and reminding this not only in one article but in every article, my goal is to ensure that the readers not only see but also perceive and adopt.
Which is the thought mentioned above? “Am I CRAZY and I'm going to see a psychologist? Let's say, under the pressure of my distress, I decide to go. What will my wife, my mother-in-law, my father-in-law, my children, my neighbors say, and even what if this news reaches those in Turkey? Don't they say, 'Look, he went to wild hands and went crazy there'? What about my wife, wouldn't she say, 'My wife has fallen for psychologists, there's no good for her anymore, should I look for someone else?'"
Of course, these are the extremes we can go in our world of fear, but unfortunately, the reflection of the facts is not enough. it is itself. And these fears and escapes have only one source and only one reason: to avoid being labeled "crazy". So, where does this unchanging, unshakable and stone-like thought come from? Maybe it is because we do not fully understand or do not want to understand who the psychologist is and who can go to him. If we simplify the event and explain it simply, it is useful to know the following. In order to have the title of psychologist, a person must complete a 4-year undergraduate degree in the psychology department of the science and literature faculty of universities. A person who has received the title of psychologist is entitled to conduct interviews and evaluations with people who come to him, and to apply psychotherapy using certain methods and techniques. Most importantly, the psychologist carries out his work in accordance with the principle of confidentiality. In other words, the topics discussed and the work done during the interviews remain entirely within the walls of that room and between those two people.
The person who comes to the psychologist, that is, the person who is subjected to psychotherapy, may have difficulties in the first or second of the interviews. Telling someone else what belongs only to him or her, even if he or she is a professional, can embarrass a person and cause discomfort. However, in subsequent interviews, the same person stated that he was also walking. When he realizes that he is a very active participant in the process and that he actually carries the solution to his problems within himself, he uses all his strength and becomes the locomotive of success of psychotherapy.
Why am I telling these?
For this reason, ask the psychologist The person who leaves is not crazy. On the contrary, it is someone who loves himself, cares about himself, and thinks about those around him as much as he thinks about himself. Because if a person feels good and is useful to himself, he can be even more useful to those around him who need him and vice versa. A person who does not feel well will be the main cause of a tense environment by involuntarily transferring his distress to those around him, rather than benefiting those around him with a grumpy, aggressive, bored attitude. Don't! If you have problems, do not "torture" yourself or those around you! Learn ways to understand yourself and relax by consulting a psychologist who specializes in this field and apply them so that you and your family can find peace. Because, I repeat again, those who go to a psychologist are not crazy, and there is no such concept as crazy in the psychology literature. In psychiatry, there are severe psychiatric cases, they are medicated in clinics and subjected to inpatient or home drug treatment. Let us also point out, and even underline it with a bold line, that not every person who uses psychiatric medication is a very serious psychiatric case. For example, in cases such as panic attacks, severe depression or obsession, etc., psychotherapy is carried out together with a meeting with a psychologist and the use of medications deemed appropriate by the psychiatrist. I repeat again, to avoid conceptual confusion, not every person who uses psychiatric medication is a severe psychiatric case, that is, the concept we colloquially call "crazy" is not appropriate here.
There is another thing I should draw your attention to. The issue is that there is a clear distinction and difference between the job descriptions of psychologists and psychiatrists, that is, the work they do. The psychologist does not have the authority to prescribe medication; Within the scope of his science and in the light of knowing psychological processes, the psychologist works with his client's thinking style, feelings and behaviors by using certain methods and by conducting continuous interviews over a certain period of time. The interview plan, the course of psychotherapy, are made with the active participation of the client. . The psychologist adapts his knowledge, techniques and methods according to this planning, in short, according to the person's special situation and needs. A psychiatrist is a person who received a doctorate degree at the Faculty of Medicine for 6 years and then specialized in the field of psychiatry. It intervenes in people's psychiatric problems with drug treatment.
I think the issues are clear enough. I just want to say that your fears are unfounded! Come and get rid of them; Stand out so that you can help increase the number of people who love themselves by daring to do this and leading those who cannot!
In this age when psychology is at the forefront, do not deprive yourself of what this science provides. Let our Turkey, where people say "my psychologist said this" or "I took my child to the psychologist" with a high forehead and chest, be an example for us. In our homeland, where almost every person has their own psychologist, why don't we here, in this longing and loneliness, turn our backs on our fears and say hello to our psychologist bravely? Moreover, psychologists are also human beings, and like every human being, when they need their problems to be looked at objectively, they need the help of another psychologist, in other words, a colleague.
Not forgetting our humanity, attaching importance to the benefits of our age. and may we live by listening to the voice of our inner world!
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