Healthy-Balanced-Conscious Nutrition

Today is an age of consumption; It is obvious that if we abandon ourselves to this consumption frenzy, we will eventually lose our health. One of the most striking indicators of this situation is that our chronic diseases begin at much earlier ages. What we will lose will not only be our health; We will probably also be doomed to skin diseases and premature aging. The indispensable part of both our inner and outer beauty passes through our stomach. This means; We must be informed against the 'production pollution' (=production of everything that is sold as harmful/harmless) in our age and we must introduce conscious consumption into our lives.
Considering the fact that we are human, of course, we will not be able to stay away from everything unhealthy in the course of life. Despite everything, we must be able to take precautions to minimize the negative effects of things that we cannot remove. After all, both nature and our body know how to compensate/minimize harmful effects when faced with a problem. Likewise, according to the religious rule 'we cannot give up all the things we cannot do most of'; We cannot say, "We are in the swamp anyway, but whatever." For example, in our body, the excess calories we consume and the heavy metals that cannot be excreted are stored in fat tissue, which has little active role in our body. Therefore, our metabolism/body is protected. We also need to know what we eat and our body and apply compensation mechanisms. For example, when we eat a heavy meal, we should chew our bites thoroughly, take enough fiber food with the meal, and do light movements/exercise after the meal. We should be able to do serious exercise 2 hours after consuming a lot of carbohydrate foods. Especially when consuming protein food, we should be content with one type of food at the same meal. In addition, we should give up pastries, desserts, snacks and fruits, which are common in our society and are eaten after dinner (often a heavy meal), and make it a habit to consume them on an empty stomach. We should be able to include drinking enough water and exercise among our daily tasks. We should learn small but effective tips like these and implement them into our lives; Let's have an aesthetically pleasing, weightless and most importantly healthy body. Let's not forget that; Our most important asset is our body. And as long as we take good care of it, it will not let us down.
'Every good that comes to you is from Allah, and every evil that comes to you is from following your own desires...' (Nisa;79)(Allah always wants to do good to us, but We inflict evil and diseases on ourselves.)

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