Notes on Fraternity and Sibling Relationships…

Siblinghood is the longest lasting relationship in human life.

The time that siblings who are 4-6 years apart from the age of 6 months spend with each other has been found to be twice as much as the time spent with their mother and father.

This It also shows that the sibling relationship is almost as effective as the parent-child relationship.

It is a relationship that deeply affects the social, emotional and cognitive skills of a person's life.

Siblings become models for connection with the outside/the outside world.

Young children lay the groundwork for their future relationships with the emotion regulation skills they acquire in sibling relationships.

While the sibling relationship includes harmony, friendship and protecting each other, it also includes opposition, conflict, disagreement and jealousy.

Jealousy is an emotion. It is an emotion felt when a person loses what he has or is likely to lose it.

The older sibling may see the little one who has just come home and clings to his parents as a threat.

In this case, something happens inside him that he cannot understand. .

Expressing that the name of that thing is jealousy will eliminate the uncertainty experienced by the child.

“You are angry/sad because I cannot take care of you right now.”

Jealousy is an emotion and emotions. It gives us a message.

They can shape thoughts and behaviors.

There is no wrong feeling. The way we express the emotion becomes important at this point.

It is important to provide the child with the opportunity to express the jealousy he experiences, not to ignore it, but to prevent it from harming himself and his environment.

Research shows that parental attitudes affect the child. It shows that it affects the behavior of expressing jealousy.

This shows us that parental attitude may be one of the most important determinants of the relationship between children.


I compiled my notes. I also add the books I recommend. Have a nice read


Book recommendations

*Brothers (My sister is a rhino/My brother is a monkey)

Rocio Bonilla

Günışığı Library



Monica Arnaldo

Türkiye İş Bankası Kü ltür Yayınları


In both books, there are warm examples of sibling relationships. And in both books, we see how warm relationships can be established by siblings who at some point increase sharing and find a middle ground.


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