How Can We Cope With Anxiety Situations?

Anxiety is one of the compelling emotions that fluctuates the emotional states of individuals and sometimes turns them upside down. Anxiety is observed in children as well as adults. When parents are anxious, these feelings are also reflected in children. Learning to cope with their own worries allows their children to develop this skill and sense of self-confidence. When the dose of anxiety increases and starts to affect our daily lives, the way to anxiety disorders is opened. When it comes to anxiety disorder, considering that it affects the central nervous system, there is a situation that needs to be handled from a psychosocial and neurobiological point of view. Those who have anxiety disorders may have difficulty in continuing their daily lives. The anxious situations we are talking about here are the changes in the emotions experienced by adults and children in daily life. So, how should we deal with the situations that cause us anxiety in our daily life? Organizing your daily routines is effective in reducing anxiety. Regular meals, regular exercises and a healthy sleep pattern; It is very important to create such a routine in our lives, to regulate our mood and worries. may show unpleasant physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, dry mouth, nausea. These physical symptoms can increase your anxiety level. Taking a short walk outside to calm your body, doing breathing exercises in the fresh air makes it easier for you to relax psychologically. You can focus on solving your problems. Separate what you cannot control, then you can try to recognize and solve the problem that you think you can control. You can plan what you can do to transform it. Setting goals for the future and striving for this goal can reduce the worrying situations you encounter in your daily life. Try to note the positive developments in your life. with your negative situation Your ability to think positively will improve when you try to notice the positive situations among them. We can see that the children of families with this attitude are less worried about the situations they encounter. Children may not always be able to express how they feel. Ask young children, “How Do You Feel?” You can use a mood chart instead. You can ask the children to point out the emotions they have at the moment, on the emotion chart that you can draw yourself. If your child is in adolescence, you can talk about your own feelings first while chatting with him; What can be done to help children cope with anxiety? First of all, as a parent, being a reassuring role model for your child is very important in coping with anxious situations. Children can also be taught relaxation techniques, deep and breathing breathing, counting to 10 exercises can help children relax. Showing closeness relaxes children. Playing with hand puppet together is an effective activity, especially for the younger age group, to talk about events and relax. Anxious and anxious situations are the moods we all face from time to time, the important thing is to learn to cope with these emotional changes...

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