Infancy colic; It is a condition characterized by loud crying that the baby cannot silence, usually occurring in the evening. At this time, the baby pulls his legs to his stomach, clenches his fists and turns red on his face. Colic crying begins in the 2nd week at the earliest, reaches its peak in the 6th week and continues in the 4th-6th week. Around the month the crying disappears.
Infancy colic is defined as crying spells that last "at least 3 weeks", "at least 3 days a week" and "at least 3 hours a day", which we call the rule of thirds. Feeding the baby with breast milk or formula does not make a difference in terms of the frequency of colic. Although this condition is associated with the digestive system, high-pitched crying is thought to be part of normal development.
Infancy colic does not leave any negative effects on the baby's health. Mothers and fathers are most affected by this situation and their anxiety levels increase. It is very important for a correct diagnosis to perform a very careful physical examination of a baby who is taken to the hospital because of crying. The absolute requirement for the diagnosis of infantile colic is that the baby gains sufficient weight. In a baby with good weight gain, the possibility of serious diseases is excluded.
Infancy colic may be caused by temporary lactose intolerance or cow's milk protein allergy. Differential diagnosis of these two conditions can be made depending on the response received by recommending lactase drops for breast-fed babies, low-lactose formula for formula-fed babies, or giving the mother a diet free of milk and dairy products.
Some rhythmic calming methods can be used in infant colic. Methods such as rocking, massaging, singing a lullaby, making sounds that the mother is used to hearing in the womb, such as the sound of a hair dryer or water, taking her for a walk, or applying light heat to her abdomen, reduce the intensity and duration of crying.
There are a wide variety of different methods for infant colic.
gas drops and herbal teas are recommended. However, none of them have been proven effective and reliable.
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