Skin tags

Genetically, skin tags can occur in all age groups, especially in men and women
after the thirties, and their number gradually increases over the years. Skin tags are most often small, skin-colored or brown and attached to the skin with small stalks, but sometimes we can encounter much larger chickpea or walnut-sized or pin-sized formations attached to the skin.
Common areas are the eyelids. They are friction areas such as armpits, armpits and groin, and can sometimes occur in the back and chest area.

Moles, which are very soft to the touch, do not cause pain or burning unless there is any irritation or infection. Sometimes, itching, burning, sensitivity, and pain may develop after scratching or getting caught on a necklace or clothes, and in this case, first the rash may then turn into a gangranous structure. Not only do they increase over the years, their numbers also increase with weight gain. Skin tags are called acrocordon molluscum
pendulum in medicine and they are medically completely harmless formations. Such moles have no risk of turning into cancer.

Naturally, they do not pose any additional danger to the patient. Additional factors such as sunlight, friction, and sweating also increase formation rates. Hormonal effects during pregnancy, birth control pills taken, and hormonal interaction are factors that increase their number.

The number of skin tags is usually more than one and 20-30 are frequently encountered in one person. Sometimes this
number can even reach hundreds. Itching and bruising may worry patients. These moles also pose an aesthetic problem and make patients uneasy as they visually appear as dirt or stains. Saving our patients from such
formations is an extremely easy and short procedure. Generally, cremation is performed with the electrocautery
system, which is an extremely successful and effective method. Before this procedure, anesthesia is applied with cream or fine-tipped needles to avoid pain. If there are many skin tags, apply cream to large areas to ensure adequate numbness in about 30 minutes. The procedure ends in 10-15 minutes
and there is no feeling of pain afterwards. In a few days The crust develops and falls off within 3-5 days and
heals without leaving a scar.

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