It is a frequently heard concept among childhood diseases. By definition, it is the presence of fluid in the space behind the eardrum. Most of the time the fluid in this recipe is not inflammatory. But it carries a potential risk of middle ear infection. The fluid behind this membrane is actually produced by the glands of that region and circulates with the help of the Eustachian tube, which connects to the nasal region.

Fluid accumulation here mostly occurs due to diseases that prevent this tube from working regularly. Allergic conditions that will lead to adenoid, nasal congestion and mucosal edema in the nasal area, especially at the points where this tube opens, may lead to the formation of this fluid chronically.

Temporary fluid accumulation occurs in nasal congestion due to upper respiratory tract infections, which are more common. . Diagnosis is made by ear examination and tympanometric examination. Upper respiratory tract infections that are not treated early lead to inflammation of this fluid and middle ear infections.

Temporary ambient pressure changes can also affect the functioning of the eustachian tube. In the cabin during airplane flights. Pressure and altitude changes during bus and car trips can be given as examples.

Although this problem is rarer in adult patients, it is important because it brings to mind tumoral diseases of the nasal area. Treatment is achieved by eliminating the factor that prevents the eustachian tube from working. Adenoid surgery, allergic conditions that cause nasal congestion, elimination of intranasal curvature, and tube applications that will provide ventilation behind the eardrum are listed as the interventions to be applied. Information about these initiatives will be explained in the relevant topic.

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