Imposing an ideology on the child while his critical approach and reasoning ability, capacity to develop different perspectives, questioning and abstraction capacity are not developed means his abuse, and the tendency to blindly adhere to and turn to violence increases within the adopted ideology.
These children develop with the happiness and satisfaction of performing a task approved and supported by the adults around them and with the enthusiasm of being a member of the group. This developmental process leads to the emergence of ambition, self-centeredness and narcissistic tendencies in the child over time. These children grow up with a mental conditioning that puts their own interests and those of the group that supports them above others. This conditioning, which will increase the tendency towards crime and violence in a very short time, shows that danger signals are ringing for the society.
If we realize how much the rate of crime tendency has increased in children today, we can see that this situation is more than starting to blindly try to teach a certain ideology to the child. We can clearly see that it is the work of elders who began to exploit his weakness and weakness and use him in line with their own beliefs. It seems that the most important underlying reasons for the tendency towards crime at a young age are the indifference of families, the lack of education of parents, and even sometimes, as I mentioned above, brainwashing children into adhering to certain ideologies. When these children reach adolescence, their tendency to crime and violence will be as high due to the beliefs they have learned and are imposed without reasoning.
Considering that the tendency towards crime and violence is most seen in adolescence, certain beliefs have the opportunity to be questioned and judged from childhood onwards. Teaching it without recognition also reveals the threatening dimension of violence and crime during adolescence.
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