Can we get germs in our eyes while trying to cool off by swimming?
Of course, this can happen. If we do not swim in a hygienic pool or swim in a dirty sea, our eyes can easily get infected with germs. For this reason, we should not cool off in water that we are not sure of its cleanliness.
Our eyes fight against germs all day long. And he wins most of these wars. But when the amount of attacking microbes increases, defense mechanisms may become insufficient.
Conjunctivitis is when our eye organ becomes contaminated with microbes. Conjunctivitis is usually caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. Conjunctivitis is a treatable eye disease. Today's adequate antibiotics and anti-inflammatory agents are quite effective in the treatment of this condition.
How do we know if we have conjunctivitis?
Usually, within a day or two after encountering microbes, we experience redness, stinging, watering, burrs and burning in our eyes. Symptoms such as these begin. These symptoms may continue to increase if treatment is delayed.
So what should we do when such symptoms begin?
First of all, we should wash our face with plenty of clean water. This removes some of the microbes from the environment. We can dress the eye area with the water of warm black tea, which we drink with pleasure every day. We can wet a clean cotton ball with warm black tea and wipe our eyes with this cotton. The antimicrobial properties of black tea help us treat or control the disease. Additionally, a few drops of baby shampoo placed in clean water can also serve the same purpose. We can control the progression of the disease with these methods until we see our doctor. Then our doctor will give us the necessary drops or ointments.
Another thing to be aware of is that we should never go into the sea or pool with contact lenses. This makes it several times easier for germs to get into our eyes. What should we do if we forgot and entered? We need to take out our lenses and wash our eyes with lens solution. We should wash our lenses well with lens solution and leave them in a container with lens solution for a while. If conjunctivitis symptoms begin, then clean the eye area with the Black Tea or baby shampoo mentioned above. We should start and consult our ophthalmologist as soon as possible.
However, chlorine and drug levels used for pool hygiene can also cause discomfort in our eyes, even without any germs. Swimming pools that are poorly controlled or used unconsciously can cause chemical irritation in the eyes. Therefore, if we feel burning, redness and stinging in our eyes immediately after swimming, we should wash our eyes with plenty of clean water. Then, until we reach the doctor, we can buy tear drops from the pharmacy and put them in our eyes at least 4 times a day. With these precautions, we can prevent the situation from progressing further until we reach our ophthalmologist.
In short, swimming is beneficial to our health. Swim consciously and, if possible, swim face down... Swimming face down is more beneficial to our spine and health. But while doing this enjoyable activity, let's not neglect our eye health by paying attention to the things we mentioned above...
Have a Pleasant Swimming...
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