Even tying your shoes is no longer an ordinary event. Swollen feet and ankles may be the culprit. Today, I would like to talk about edema, which is common during pregnancy, and what you can do to prevent it.
Feet begin to swell between 22 and 27 weeks of pregnancy and continue like this until birth. Thank God, your belly prevents you from facing this reality.
Edema occurs from the fluids that nourish you and your baby throughout pregnancy and increase with the increase in blood pressure and the growth of the uterus. This causes your feet, ankles and even hands to swell. If your weight increases rapidly, it helps to cause edema in the feet. Are swollen feet and ankles risky? Moderate swelling in the ankle and foot is harmless and normal. Edema is generally seen in all pregnant women. Almost 3 out of 4 pregnant women have edema. If the edema in your hands or face does not go away, call your doctor. If it is accompanied by excessive edema, high blood pressure, rapid weight gain and excess protein in the urine, it may be a sign of preeclampsia. If your blood pressure is normal and your urine analysis is normal, there is nothing to worry about.
How can we prevent edema in the feet? I have some advice for you below.
Do not stand for too long. Don't sit too. If you are standing, sit down and rest for a while. Even if you are sitting, take short walks from time to time.
While sitting, put a cushion under your feet and elevate them. You have a very valid reason to do this.
Sleep on your side. If possible, lie on your left. This way, your kidneys will move more easily and you will go to the toilet more often and get rid of edema.
You can do exercises suitable for edema, such as walking, that will keep your blood flow balanced. If your doctor deems it appropriate, you can swim. Water pressure will help remove the fluid in your body from there to the kidneys.
Do not wear too tight socks or tights. It should not be so tight that it blocks your blood flow.
Wear comfortable shoes, especially if you are outside.
Wear maternity socks with a belly gap. Avoid having socks squeeze you by staying under your belly button.
Drink a lot of water. Try to relieve the edema with liquid again. g 8/10 glasses of water a day will help remove unnecessary things and edema from your body.
Reduce your salt consumption. Do not cut it out completely, but consume it in moderation.
Apart from edema, feet may grow during pregnancy. Due to the relaxin hormone, your feet expand like other muscles in your body. Postpartum edema ends and your weight decreases. But your feet may still remain large. I wish you healthy days without edema.
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