Which part does psoriasis (psoriasis) relate to?
Skin specialist (Dermatologist) Dr.Ali Bacanlı: Psoriasis (psoriasis) is related to the skin. It is a disease of the (dermatology) department.
Is psoriasis (psoriasis) contagious?
Skin specialist (Dermatologist) Dr. Ali Bacanlı: Psoriasis (psoriasis) ) is not transmitted in any way.
What kind of disease is psoriasis?
Skin specialist (Dermatologist) Dr. Ali Bacanlı: strong> Psoriasis (psoriasis) is one of the inflammatory skin diseases. It is very common; It is present in 2-3% of the population. It can be seen in all ages and genders. It has something to do with genes, but it is mainly related to environmental factors.
It appears as a rash, which can also be white dandruff, in various parts of the body; Dermatologists call this 'plaque type psoriasis'. There is also a more rare type that is in the form of blisters with fluid accumulation; Dermatologists call this 'pustular psoriasis'.
How is psoriasis diagnosed?
Skin specialist (Dermatologist) Dr.Ali Bacanlı: The diagnosis of psoriasis is a clinical diagnosis. A dermatologist can diagnose almost every psoriasis patient by looking at it. In very rare cases, the diagnosis can be clarified with some simple tests performed during the examination. Biopsy is almost never required in the diagnosis of psoriasis. Some nail findings may be a clue for the diagnosis of psoriasis (psoriasis).
Can psoriasis (psoriasis) manifest itself in the nails as well as skin symptoms?
Skin specialist (Dermatologist) Dr. Ali Bacanlı: Psoriasis (psoriasis) can also cause various nail symptoms. Psoriasis (psoriasis) may manifest itself with only nail findings, or there may be nail involvement as well as skin findings. Some color changes or deformities may be a clue to the diagnosis of psoriasis, may cause problems for the person due to their appearance, and may make a difference in the choice of treatment. Se If psoriasis is the case, nails should also be evaluated during the examination.
Can psoriasis (psoriasis) manifest itself other than skin and nail symptoms?
Skin specialist (Dermatologist) Dr.Ali Bacanlı: Yes, psoriasis can also cause joint problems. Psoriasis, which causes only joint involvement in some people, can also affect the joints in addition to skin findings. Since joint involvement is also important in treatment selection, it is also appropriate to question the joint problem in case of psoriasis. Pain, swelling, and even rare, more permanent and serious problems in various joints such as the finger joints or the waist area may be seen in the course of psoriasis (psoriasis).
Is it possible to prevent psoriasis joint involvement? ?
Skin specialist (Dermatologist) Dr.Ali Bacanlı: To protect our joints from traumas, prevent psoriasis disease from affecting the joints (for example, joint involvement of psoriasis disease called enthesitis). ) can be beneficial in preventing All other recommendations regarding psoriasis (psoriasis) also have positive effects regarding joint involvement.
What should be the general recommendations regarding psoriasis?
Skin specialist (Dermatologist) Dr. Ali Bacanlı: There is a close relationship between psoriasis and nutrition. The nutrition program prepared by the dermatologist, taking into account the person's weight, gender, previous eating habits and social life characteristics, makes a significant difference. Some foods have a negative effect on psoriasis, while some foods have a positive effect. Areas of psoriasis (psoriasis) on the skin can worsen with trauma and irritation. Traumatic causes such as leaning the elbows on the table, damaging the heel of the shoe, bundling the hair too tightly, damaging the skin by picking the scabs with the nail, make it difficult to cure psoriasis in those areas. In some patients, if psoriasis (psoriasis) is in an active period, new areas of psoriasis (psoriasis) may appear in traumatized areas. Positives about getting rid of excessive stress Some suggestions, such as scents with these characteristics, also have a partially positive effect on the course of psoriasis. Psoriasis (psoriasis) treatment goes beyond prescribed medications.
What are the treatment options for psoriasis?
Skin specialist (Dermatologist) ) Dr.Ali Bacanlı:In addition to the right food supplements for psoriasis, there are many different treatment options, such as oral pills, and occasionally injections into the body. The physician should determine the plan for psoriasis treatment in cooperation with the patient by evaluating the patient's various characteristics (such as gender, pregnancy planning, other diagnosed diseases, previous treatment responses, etc.) and preferences.
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