Goals in Panic Attack Treatment

My dear clients, The saying “The body does not betray you, it shows how you betrayed yourself” is a sentence that belongs to me and that I find very meaningful. What am I doing wrong in life? panic attacks try to warn and stop me with bodily messages and scares? It is very difficult to find a permanent solution to the treatment of panic attacks without finding an answer to the question. So my first suggestion is to stop seeing panic attacks as a disease. Realize that sometimes pressure, sometimes overload, sometimes stressful lifestyle, and sometimes intense and unnecessary thinking habits trigger panic.

I have summarized the main lines of panic attack treatment for you below.

1-Discovering why the panic attack came and the message it wants to give; Panic attack is not your enemy, on the contrary, it is a bodily alarm system that informs you that something is wrong in your life; For example, if you are a person who works hard, thinks a lot, heart palpitations, if you are someone who stands too strong, the message may come with dizziness. Fear of going crazy is a common panic attack message for those who have excessively balanced behaviors and therefore give advice to everyone. When these messages are received and the necessary action is taken, you will have an important way in the treatment of panic attacks.

2- Stretching and, if possible, changing the personality structure and the schemas, thoughts, behaviors and reactions that are loaded from childhood; For example, "I have to shoulder the whole family", "I must take precautionary measures against all kinds of negativity and uncertainty", I should not ask for support under any circumstances. The development of a more insensitive and selfish pole of someone who is in his mind to be used when necessary will support the permanent treatment of panic attacks. p>

2-Preventing a panic attack before it starts; When you can realize the panic cycle, you will realize how thoughts trigger panic attacks, and you will get rid of breath-holding and disaster scenarios.

3-Gain the ability to stop a panic attack; You can gain the ability to stop all kinds of panic attacks that have started by focusing on the moment with techniques such as preventing drift with trigger thinking, breath control and mindfulness.

4-To live with panic permanent formatting of the accustomed brain (a balanced mindfull lifestyle);

Establishing the balance of work, relationships, body, mind, emotions, and spirituality helps panic attack treatment become permanent. provides.

I wish you all a healthy, balanced, bipolar, panic-free and mindful life.

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