If you cannot stand sweets and candies, if you finish the package after a slice of chocolate and cannot curb your appetite, if you have a desire to eat that you cannot control and that gets stronger the more you try to control it, you may be addicted to carbohydrates.
This addiction has symptoms such as cigarette, alcohol and drug addiction. What we encounter is an unstoppable appetite and an uncontrollable desire to eat. Some studies show that sugar is more addictive than cocaine. According to Dr. Richard Heller, who conducts research on Carbohydrate Addiction, 75% of people with weight problems are addicted to carbohydrates. Excessive carbohydrate consumption raises blood sugar and causes the pancreas to secrete the hormone insulin. This hormone allows sugar in the blood to enter the cells and be used for energy. However, if the use of sugar continues to increase, insulin is secreted excessively, and insulin resistance occurs as the cells become insensitive to insulin, which increases the fat in the body and increases the risk of diabetes and heart diseases. In this article, I will tell you holistic physical, mental and spiritual ways to get rid of carbohydrate addiction and lose weight more easily and permanently.
Dr.Robert Lustig from the University of California states that sugar is as harmful as cocaine, says it is addictive like drugs. Again, a study conducted on mice in France revealed that sugar turned into a stronger addiction than cocaine. The mice became addicted to drugs and preferred sugary foods instead of cocaine. Experts emphasize that sugar evokes a very strong reward signal in the brain and neutralizes the will mechanism. Patients say that sugar gives them a temporary feeling of satisfaction and then causes them to want to consume more. This can then create feelings of guilt and worthlessness in the person and cause them to gain more weight.
Ways to overcome carbohydrate addiction:
Being physically, mentally and spiritually concerned about this issue. We must look at it holistically as follows:
1- Excessive insulin hormone Foods that cause u secretion should be consumed less. The most important of these are sugary, starchy foods, fruit juices and carbonated drinks. Well, how do we do this? In order to do it, it is not enough for the conscious mind to know, the subconscious also needs to be convinced. This is where subconscious exercises such as hypnotherapy, breathing exercises, meditation, and creative imagination come in handy. The hypnotic meditation at the end of the article will help.
2- The most effective way to break insulin resistance is to move more. Exercises such as walking enable cells to respond more easily to the insulin hormone.
3-Chromium picolinate supplements can help carbohydrate addiction by reducing insulin resistance.
4- Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids. (fish, walnuts, flaxseed, avocado) can help use fats as an energy source.
5- Quality sleep, where you feel rested when you wake up in the morning, can help you with sugar addiction by reducing stress.
Mentally and spiritually:
The main reason that triggers carbohydrate addiction is negative messages in the subconscious, frequently repeated negative thoughts, emotions and stress. If you crave sweets during stressful times and cannot stop this desire even if you try, you can solve this with subconscious training. First, let's get to know the subconscious a little bit. The subconscious is the other side of us that speaks within us, the voice that often sabotages us. What Yunus Emre said, "There is only me inside me", Mevlana said, "You are nothing but thought, the rest is flesh and bones." If you think of roses, you will become a rose garden, if you think of thorns, you will become a thorn bush. It is not enough for the conscious mind to know; it must also convince the subconscious and the two of them must join arm in arm. We may know many things, but why can't we do it because the subconscious thinks differently about it? For example, imagine that your conscious mind says, "I got so fat, I can't tie my laces," and your subconscious mind remembers "the taste, the beauty, that image of chocolate." Which is more effective? The result is clear. The subconscious always makes decisions, the consciousness participates in it. This way, we feel like we are making the decisions.
The biggest reason for uncontrolled eating is These are usually emotional reasons and are hidden in the subconscious. Some people try to suppress these negative emotions with food. Negative emotions such as stress, tension, anxiety, guilt, anger can cause excessive carbohydrate consumption.
Person Hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), meditation, prayer, affirmations, forgiveness sessions, phytotherapy (some herbal supports). When they learn to relax and reduce stress through subconscious exercises such as breathing techniques, under the supervision of an expert, their need for sugary foods decreases, and they lose weight because they solve the mental and emotional reasons for uncontrolled eating.
You need to overcome sugar, sweet and chocolate addiction and get down to your ideal weight. Goodbye, hope you stay there for the rest of your life…
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