Chronic kidney disease or failure is the permanent and progressive deterioration of all functions of the kidney

Unfortunately, one in every 10 people in the world and one in every 6-7 people in Turkey has kidney disease. The two most common causes of chronic kidney disease are diabetes and hypertension. People at higher risk of kidney disease can be listed as follows;


The most common causes of chronic kidney disease are uncontrolled diabetes. and hypertension. Other reasons; cystic diseases of the kidney, obstructive diseases such as kidney stones and tumors, pyelonephritis (kidney inflammation), glomerulonephritis (diseases diagnosed with protein leakage in urine, blood leakage), vasculitis Systemic diseases called (vascular inflammation).

Kidney diseases are early It usually does not cause symptoms in different stages. Only in advanced stages, frequent urination, waking up to urinate at night, foaming in the urine, swelling of the eyelids, lungs, abdomen and legs, sudden and severe increase in blood pressure, and unexplained weakness may occur. The disease usually progresses silently and insidiously. For this reason, many patients cannot be diagnosed in time.

We can list the ways of protection as follows: Salt restriction should be made. Salt is the most important food ingredient that increases blood pressure. Daily salt consumption in Western countries is around 8gr, while in our country it is around 18gr on average.

We can make practical suggestions to patients to reduce salt:

We recommend regular exercise and weight loss. It is important to keep blood pressure and blood sugar under control, not to smoke, not to use herbal products uncontrollably, and not to use painkillers and antibiotics unconsciously. Individuals at risk should be screened for early detection. For early diagnosis, people with the mentioned risks should definitely go to the doctor and have "blood pressure measurement, urinalysis and serum creatinine level" checked.

Treatment is applied for the underlying cause. However, common treatment; It is the control of blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipid levels with medications and diet. Anemia, electrolyte disorders (calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium abnormalities), acid-base disorders are tried to be treated with medications. Patients who do not respond are considered for treatment with dialysis (hemodialysis / peritoneum) or kidney transplantation.


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