The age we live in requires us to live really fast. Now, when no one wakes up in the morning; He cannot experience the natural joy and pleasure of going to the chicken coop, getting freshly laid eggs and having breakfast with home-baked bread. Doing gardening in the open air with plenty of oxygen; He cannot relieve the tiredness of the day by drinking hot organic tarhana soup.

So what do people do today? coffee with additives (I don't mean Turkish coffee, I mean the other kind: you know, you can drink it with milk or something...) and then a nerve-racking heavy traffic fight... After that, intensely stressful work that will last until noon and the extraordinary efforts made in the work environment!….

Afterwards, it was time for lunch. So what happened???

Again, quickly and quickly. Minutes spent alone with food that should be eaten, beyond food... Then again, stressful efforts until the end of the shift and evening traffic!!!!... Look, we haven't come home yet... People in the village taste and feel all the flavors of natural organic life all day long, enjoying the benefits of productive and stress-free work. After eating dinner with feelings of peace, while going to bed; A person living in a big city has just come home and is about to eat his meal...

What will happen next?

After the meal, he will go to sleep with the relief of tiredness and full stomach, and the family You will already be sound asleep without any opportunity or time for social communication. No chatting, no commiserating, no sharing the social moment…

So what will we get away with after such a day?

Let me tell you right away: A HUGE STRESS AND ANXIETY DISORDER…

Don't almost all of us experience this cycle to a greater or lesser extent?

Depression and anxiety disorder of today's people; To what extent can we treat by saying "take this treatment, come for a checkup today?"

Since humans are social beings, it is necessary to pay attention to the social dimension of the work.

For example; supervisor at the workplace If there are intense negative relationships; Even if you apply the most perfect acupuncture treatment to that person, after a certain period of time the disease will be triggered again and relapse. Because you have not removed the "supervisor" factor, which is the most important trigger of anxiety disorder. You need to permanently remove the patient from that negative work environment as much as possible or provide guidance.

Depression and anxiety. The drugs given for the treatment of the disorder are not therapeutic in the scientific sense. Due to their side effects, their use is very restricted in the USA and many European countries.

However; their anti-depressant effects on our body are very intense. We have natural medicines that have no side effects when we release them with acupuncture treatment. If we put acupuncture treatment into action, especially in these mood disorders that are very prone to chronicity, we will prevent unnecessary wasting of our national wealth by consuming medicines unnecessarily. Most importantly, our body will be protected from side effects that may occur in the future. Acupuncture treatment offers us such beautiful opportunities.

In all these cases, acupuncture; A total of at least 15-20 sessions should be applied, at least 2-3 sessions per week. One should be extremely patient. Because the pharmacological effects of the natural drugs we secrete from the body appear quite slowly, but are quite stable.

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