Dwindling immune system and increasing diseases as a result of sudden weather changes during seasonal transitions... The food we eat and environmental conditions directly affect our body. Recently, increasing cases of diarrhea and vomiting are among these complaints.
It is normal for a healthy person to defecate once every 3 days or 3 times a day. However, if a person has watery stools 3-4 times a day, it is diarrhea and precautions need to be taken. Diarrhea may be caused by many factors. During this period, it is possible to challenge the disease by taking the medications prescribed by your doctor without interruption and paying attention to your diet.
Plenty of water is a must! As a result of diarrhea and vomiting, a large amount of water loss occurs in the person's body. Fatigue, headache and loss of appetite occur due to dehydration. Water is essential for the body to continue functioning. As the severity of diarrhea and vomiting increases, the person should pay more attention to the amount of water he or she should consume. Even if the patient avoids drinking water, it is important to encourage the patient to drink water little by little and frequently during this period.
Get stronger with probiotics. Probiotics help restore the damaged intestinal flora and prevent diarrhea. By consuming kefir and yoghurt enriched with probiotics, the patient's recovery process becomes faster.
Let's replace the lost minerals. With water loss from the body, many mineral losses also occur. It is beneficial to have the patient drink plain mineral water to replace the lost mineral loss.
Prefer starchy foods instead of fibrous foods. Vegetables, raw salad, boiled broccoli, cabbage, dried legumes (dry beans, chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils) cause diarrhea to become more severe. To reduce the severity of diarrhea, it is beneficial to consume boiled and cooled potatoes, rice porridge, yellow or white roasted chickpeas.
Get support from fruits that prevent diarrhea. Peeled apples and bananas are among the fruits that are suitable for the patient to eat during this period. Fruits such as figs and dried apricots cause diarrhea to become more severe.
Do not consume cola. One of the issues I would especially like to point out is giving a person with diarrhea to drink cola. Even putting medicine into the cola. Cola is a food that is harmful to the body in normal processes. Yorg Do not believe in superstitions to prevent further deterioration of the body's flora. Remember that the sugar in cola will trigger more diarrhea.
Prepare practical ORS. Oral rehydration fluids are drinks prepared for patients who have lost large amounts of water to replace the lost water and minerals. Mix 1 tea glass of 100% apple juice, 1 plain mineral water, 1 teaspoon of salt and baking soda. Add 1 liter of water to it and try to make the patient drink this mixture little by little.
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