Stiff Big Toe (Hallux Rigidus)


The basis of foot joint deterioration (arthritis); It mostly originates from the thumb. This joint is called the metatarsophalangeal (MTFE) joint. This joint bends every time we take a step; This is why it is important. When the joint begins to harden, walking may become painful and difficult. The bone surface of the MTF Joint, as in other joints, is covered with smooth articular cartilage (articular cartilage). Damage to the articular surface; It can cause healthy bone to rub against the surface. Bone spurs or overgrowths may occur in the upper part of the bone. Excessive growth of the bone spur prevents the finger from bending sufficiently while walking, resulting in Hallux Rigidus.

Hallux Rigidus usually occurs between the ages of 30-60, the exact cause is unknown, the cartilage (cartilage) in the foot due to stress and trauma occurs. It is thought that the damage may be the reason for this.



Pain in the joint when active, swelling around the joint, especially when the foot rises from the ground. Development of a hump-like bunion callus on the finger. Stiffness and limitation of movement in the finger


Exposing the Problem

You have difficulty in moving your finger up and down and If you are stepping on the outside of your foot due to pain while walking, you should consult your doctor. Hallux Rigidus is easier to treat when caught early. The more you wait until you see a swelling on your finger, the more difficult the treatment will be.

During the examination, your doctor will move your finger up and down and take your radiograph (x-ray) for bone growth. will show the bone spur.


Non-Surgical Treatment Options

Painkillers, anti-inflammatories can relieve swelling and pain, ice application and contrast Baths may be useful in reducing inflammation and controlling symptoms for a short time, but all this is not enough to stop the process. It will be useful to wear wide and low-heeled shoes. Your doctor may recommend shoes with hard soles, sandal sole designs and perhaps a steel structure. n may recommend shoes with metal-insoled soles. These shoes are designed to reduce the bending of the big toe while walking. Contrast baths are made with cold and hot water and help reduce inflammation. Put hot water in a bucket and cold water in another. First, put your foot in cold water, leave it for 30 seconds, then put it in hot water. Continue this for 5 minutes and finish by putting it in cold water. Do 3 times a day.


Surgical Options

Cheliectomy: this option is usually recommended when the damage is moderate, removing the bone spur The finger is given more range of motion. The surgical incision is made on the upper part of the finger. Swelling at the surgical site may continue for months after the operation. Special-soled shoes must be worn for 2 weeks after the operation. Many patients benefit greatly from this operation in the long term.

Arthrodesis: fusing the bones together is recommended when joint cartilage damage is severe, the damaged cartilage is removed and fixed permanently with screws, etc., the bones continue to grow together, so the finger cannot be bent again, but the complaints go away. is the most effective method. After the surgery, the foot remains in a cast for 6 weeks, and then you need to use crutches for another 6 weeks. You cannot wear high-heeled shoes.


Osteotomies: Both from the metatarsal bone behind the big toe joint, and Surgeries performed by cutting the finger bone beyond the joint using special techniques are effective in appropriate cases by providing freedom of movement and protecting the joint.


Arthroplasty: (Prosthesis); Elderly patients with functional expectations benefit from a replacement operation, where the joint surfaces are completely removed and an artificial joint is implanted, this procedure relieves pain and preserves joint movement.


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