Effective Time Management

It's always a state of running.. I find myself constantly running. I think most of us are like this. We're just barely catching up with everything. There's always a rush to catch up, to catch up.. And the days, weeks, months that we don't realize how they pass by... They all end up being the same. .

Are you one of those who can't find time for anything? Don't things arrive on time? Can't make time for yourself? Then you may need effective time management:

If the following issues occur frequently, you may need effective time planning:

I have prepared some little tips that can strengthen your time management:

To avoid procrastination:


One of the time management techniques that can be used some of them:

ABC Analysis:Basically, the ABC approach; It is based on the idea that you should focus your efforts on your most important work first. Provides order and sequence. According to this approach, if you know what you want to achieve and focus your efforts on those things first, If you concentrate on it, you will be successful and happy in that job (cited in Daştan, 2012)

In our daily life, we can apply the ABC Analysis method as follows:

One day;

Pareto analysis: Found by the nineteenth-century Italian economist Vilfrodo Pareto, it is also known as the 80/20 rule and argues that 80% of the goals should be achieved with 20% of the activities performed. When this rule is applied to time; It follows that 80% of the important tasks that need to be completed must be completed in 20% of the available time.

Time Use Matrix: Developed by Covey. It is based on grouping the tasks to be done according to their urgency and importance. p>


1st square: Urgent and important tasks

2nd square: Important but not urgent tasks

3rd square: urgent but not important tasks

4th square: Shows urgent and not important tasks.

According to Covey, the most important group is the 2nd square.

When the tasks in this group are done regularly, it will make other tasks easier and ensure effective time management.

I tried to write a few recommendations of my own. (One of my studies during my master's degree was on time management and life satisfaction, I benefited from it)

I hope it will be useful to you.


  • Covey,S(2013)7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Translated by: Deniztekin, O. & Suveren,G. Varlık Publications.Ankara

  • Daştan,S(2012)The Effect of Time Management in Organizations on the Performance of Employees.Master's Thesis

  • Güçlü, N(2001).Time Management. Educational Management in Theory and Practice.25.(88-106)

  • Güreşçi,M(2005).Efficiency in Managerial Time: Theory and Military Units An Application. Master's Thesis

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