Man's greatest duty is to discover the meaning, purpose and true value of life and share it with other people. Moral values are the values that make people human. All of these values constitute the human being; Our actions, behaviors and choices are expressions of our personality / character.
A person's personality, character and life are formed and developed. Moral life is the state of consistency that continues throughout one's life, which forms one's personality. Therefore, the moral life is the life in which we maintain goodness within ourselves and always have good will. Moral life builds and develops people's personalities. In this construction process, the person comes out of his own selfishness and encounters the essence within. In this encounter, as in Yunus Emre's saying, "There is a self within me", we realize the "I" within us, our deepest core. This essence "I" respects both itself and other beings, and at the same time it means being responsible for all existing beings and respecting people and life.
If we define morality as "personality/character", it means the common and It can be easily understood that one has to develop a "self" that has a sufficient share of the human values shared by all people. Personality development takes place in good environments. Therefore, a person's relationship with good things is beneficial in the development of his personality. Things that do not develop or hinder personality are bad. In order to develop and mature the human personality, one should focus on good deeds and stay away from evil.
Proper education given to the child at an early age will prevent him from getting involved in wrong events throughout his life and will enable him to live in harmony with his environment by adopting the truth as a principle. A person has moral responsibilities towards himself, his family members and his environment. Even if this person is a child, he should not be kept away from duties and responsibilities. We should not forget that moral values can be acquired at an early age, just like learning a language. It will make us all happy if people around us talk about goodness and honesty, rather than things like evil, theft, lies and immorality. In order for this to happen, we must take care to behave morally in our lives, and warn those who do not, as much as we can and as much as we can. MEVLANA puts the value of good morals in “The whole World "I researched the world, but I could not find a merit superior to good morals," he said.
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